HS ‘20 College ‘24 Graduation

I was reading a different post and someone was talking about not having parties for college graduation. I was wondering if anyone is thinking about doing something different than they normally would for the college class next year (2024). Many of them had a highly impacted graduation from high school. Is anyone thinking about “trying to make it up”?


We will put in extra effort to make sure it is memorable. Not sure what we will do.


Yes, we are

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I am not sure what we will do, but I hope whatever happens, it lives up to my daughter’s wishes. I realized last fall that she still has almost a PTSD response to certain events. She needed to fly to DC for something and was really reluctant to schedule it for the couple of days before a football game. (She goes to a big football school.)

She said, “I don’t want to risk a flight cancellation and miss my last football game at the stadium.”

I said that it wouldn’t be her last football game — she has an entire senior year left to enjoy football games.

She responded, “You never know, Mom. You never know. It could be the last.”

It sounds trivial when I write it out, but I was so sad for her in the moment. These kids missed out on so much and sometimes still expect the other shoe to drop.

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I’ve been thinking about it - I’m absolutely making a big deal out of it since D20 had nothing but a drive through graduation for HS.

The weird thing is that she has several classmates from her HS class of 2020 that actually graduated from college this spring … with classes being online and their freshman year of college so messed up, they basically went to school year round and just got out ASAP.

My daughter has a couple of high school friends who did the same. One got through in 3 years and is taking a gap year to apply to med school. A big part of the reason she skipped the 4th year was to save money for her next step…her older sister did the same, and her year coincided with the strictest time of the pandemic. Another high school friend finished in 3 years and is using her 4th year to complete a masters.

Not everyone loves college, but I am someone who did so it makes me sad for them they they only really had one year — this past year — that was a mostly normal undergraduate experience. At least for my daughter, both her freshman and sophomore years had a lot of Covid-related restrictions.