I have registration really soon (starting next week actually). Here’s my potential schedule for junior year:
AP Calc BC
AP Capstone (Research I think?)
APUSH( I love learning about history)
AP Physics C (Do I need to take this class for CS?)
German 2 Honors (Sprichst du Deutsch?)
An elective( most likely AP CS Principles)
By the end of sophomore year, I’ll have taken AP Human Geography, AP World History, AP Physics 1 (no Physics 2 at school), and AP CS A.
What should I take if I don’t do Physics C? Advice?
Have you had Biology and Chemistry?
@Eeyore123 last year I took Chem honors and bio honors in 8th grade.
Especially relevant to the CS major among the courses listed in the link above:
- Highest math available to you.
- AP CS principles to get an overview of what CS is about.
- Science: physics and chemistry, particularly if you go to college where the CS major requires one or both.
If you haven’t taken Seminar yet you can’t take Research (at least not at my school) - Capstone is a 2-year program, I’m doing it next year & have heard it’s great! I’m excited 
AP Chem might be helpful to show strong quantitative reasoning. CSP might not necessarily be the best choice - taking APCSP after APCSA seems like going backwards - almost like taking algebra 2 and then algebra 1. Keep in mind I know nothing about CS classes - I’m just a sophomore with friends taking CSP, so make sure you get other opinions. If your school offers any other CS-related courses, you might want to look into those instead. Or try AP Statistics! I’m not a CS person but I think math goes along really well with it, so you should take all the math you can - you’re 2 years ahead of sequence (3 years if you already took AB?), so you should also be able to fit in multivariable calc or another college-level math course, which is good.
it’s great that you’re interested in history! I feel like a lot of STEM majors can come off as one-sided, but it’s important for schools to see you as more than just a math whiz that likes computers. Also, strong reading/writing skills are great for the SAT/ACT (which you should keep in mind as you schedule for next year). If you like AP Human (it’s actually way more interesting than I thought!) you might like Psych, I’m self-studying it this year and it’s pretty interesting, I’m not too far along though. Good luck!