<p>I know a number of illegal immigrants, some who have overstayed their visa, some who have violated the terms of their green card and some who are now married for many years with American kids and spouses who just never got around to going through the necessary bureaucratic merry go round. I agree that the situation with illegal immigrants is a major, major problem, particularly in certain areas, but one that can only be stemmed by obeying the law and not hiring them without the paper work. I cannot believe the number of people who are so against illegals and yet they are working on their lawns, their roofs, cleaning their houses, etc. You just cannot expect people not to come here if the money is available. A big step would be if so many of us did not hire them, pure and simple. The "don't ask, don't tell" is not going to make any difference in the situation. As for illegals getting benefits other than emergency care, I don't agree with it. By sending mixed messages we are just worsening the situation. </p>
<p>My own sister in law was in danger of being deported, losing her job because her visa did not get renewed on a timely basis, so I know that even those who dot the eyes and cross the t's in this ornerous process can get into an illegal situation. We do not make the process easy, that I can tell you as I have been involved in a few cases including my now SIL where the paper work had to be expedited. But I cannot advocate blatently breaking these already flimsy rules.</p>