HSF Hispanic Scholarship Fund???


Still waiting

still waiting too

Still waiting too

Surprise suprise, I just called with 15 minutes left til all notifications are supposed to be sent out and guess what…I was told that rejections are being emailed out Monday now. I am so done with HSF.

@gabegom I just called too about a minute ago and then said wait list will go out sometime later tonight and rejections on Monday. So frustrating!

A second batch of emails will be sent to applicants who have been placed on our waitlist will be sent on July 17th. A third batch of emails will be sent to applicants who have not been selected for a scholarship by Monday July 20th.

They sent me that right now:(

I wonder what the first batch was…rejections only, wait list only or mixed. Hopefully everyone hears from them tonight :slight_smile:

They can’t get it together X(

I hope I’m wrong but I think that on Monday they’re gonna say “it’s on Friday”

Just out of curiosity, I went over to my application to see if it said something and now it was asking to confirm enrollment and profile information :confused: like, it no longer just displayed my original app, now it was asking to confirm info. I don’t get it, anyone else have this? I haven’t gotten an email yet ugh

@spideyarch I haven’t gotten an e-mail either, which makes me extremely disappointed and upset. I also checked my application and it is the same for me; there are no changes in mine. Maybe you were actually accepted or were waitlisted and just haven’t received an e-mail? Just trying to be a little optimistic.

So has anyone received anything?

@spideyarch sounds like you may have been awarded a scholarship. I think when you are, you have to confirm enrollment. @HomoZapien24 Still no email and no change to my application as well. Hopefully they will notify us today.

Finally! Got an email now, I was waitlisted. So that’s what it meant. Fingers crossed some funds make themselves available. Good luck everyone!

Looks like they’re elongating the misery.

Spoke to them…all waitlisted people went out today. Denials will go out over the course of the week. Hopefully whoever got waitlisted today gets a scholarship after all of this.

When you go to your application does it just say application status in red without actually saying the status? I’ve been waiting for an email just like you guys and figured I might have messed up my app since it was red. I’ve emailed them multiple times asking them questions about the application but they seem to reply. Thank you guys!

I have received an email and have been waitlisted!