HSF Hispanic Scholarship Fund???

I wonder what qualifications they take into consideration when awarding the scholarships…

I got wait listed today! Does anyone know the likelihood that wait listed applicants get awarded anything? Does it usually happen, or should I not hold my breath. Also, would we find out by the end of August or is it throughout the year?

Does anyone know the advantages of being wait listed? What other perks/programs are you eligible for? Internships?

I just received an e-mail from Univision informing me of my application status (rejection unfortunately); however, I still have yet to receive a notification from HSF (and Hacer, but I am not expecting one from them anymore). Nonetheless, I am sure the results for those last two scholarships are the same. I congratulate everyone who was accepted and have much hope for those waitlisted! As for the unfortunate rest, I urge you all to not take the news to heart or as a failure, rather as an opportunity to better oneself.
Theres always nest year!
Good luck in college everyone, it was a pleasure to be in this group chat with all of you!!!

Hey guys I finally got the rejection email :frowning: I can finally move on tho. I’m the one that originally made this thread so I hope it was helpful to everyone and I wish everyone the best these upcoming years.

Hi ecruzz22.Dont be discouraged,God works in strange ways.I was devastated a couple months back after receiving my rejection to the Gates Scholarship.I thought without it,I would never be able to afford the education I wanted.But my university was very generous,and gave me exceptional financial aid,and now i’ve also been an HSF recipient.Keep your head high,good things will come,if you continue to believe that they can.

Thanks @vanessa1996 I’ll try :slight_smile:

So has everybody already heard from HSF. I haven’t even gotten a rejection email.

@Aurelio97 not me. :-L still waiting

@FutureSurgeon97 Check your spam folder. Mine was there, and I finally got closure from this convoluted process

Just found this thread.

I attempted to apply for this scholarship earlier this year and COMPLETELY forgot about it until I woke up to an email back on the 9th. Apparently I won!

I’m already a college student for those that ask. Unfortunately, I don’t know how to interpret what I’ve won. I just applied for the general scholarship application.

Hope you all find out today what you’ve gotten!

I got my rejection email yesterday. Better luck next time.

Good luck to everyone this semester!

I attended a HSF Scholars Celebration last night and wanted to share some numbers to give you all some perspective. There were 135K scholarship applications this year. HSF awarded scholarships to 4K students. They have a staff of 60 individuals. I know some of you were disappointed in the process but as you can see, the small staff has to review a ton of applications. As HSF’s president said last night, this small staff does more than administer the scholarships,.HSF runs many programs and what the staff accomplishes is remarkable.

Also do not be discouraged by the numbers. I met many scholars who had applied in previous years and did not receive a scholarship, but were getting one this year.

I have yet to receive any type of email on the status of my application. Am I the only one? I checked my spam folder and everything.

No, you’re not the only one. My sister has yet to hear as well. I was waitlisted.

I wonder if by any chance they mentioned aprox how many people got waitlisted? Just curious.

I have not received an email either, but at this point I am convinced I am not getting anything. I was a recipient last year though, maybe they don’t like awarding the same students over and over again.

Is anyone on this thread attending the Leadership conference in LA?

My DD never got email so we contacted HSF and then they sent one (no scholarship).

Sorry I haven’t read the thread, but could you tell me if this is different from NHRP? Can you get both?
