HSF Hispanic Scholarship Fund

<p>DD got a letter on 9-19-20, with poor writing and spelling errors indicating that she needed to get info to hsf for wells fargo scholarship-first come, first serve. </p>

<p>Sent it in but the response said they had received too many letters to respond. Anyone know if this is fake? The FA office at Davis filled out the form and put the info in her record.</p>

<p>I received the same email, and I do not believe there is any reason to suspect that it is fake. That being said, I also noticed the spelling errors you mentioned.</p>

<p>Has anyone received their checks?</p>

<p>I’ve just submitted the general scholarship application, and I looked at the additional scholarship applications, and they ask the same essay questions. Do I have to write different essays for the additional scholarships or can I put in the same ones I submitted for the general?</p>

<p>Hello, does anyone know I we can use the same essay as last year?</p>

<p>Hey guys, just wanted to start this thread back up for 2013 awards! Most of them won’t be coming out soon but please post if your status changes. All of mine say “In Review” right now and even though I submitted my SAR, it still says “Not received” due to all of the people sending them in.</p>

<p>Oh, if you are awarded something, if you would kindly post your stats, I’d find that very helpful. Good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>First time applying for this scholarship, can you guys post your stats and the scholarships you’re applying to?</p>

<p>All my applications say reviewed and they received my SAR on thursday. </p>

<p>I applied as a college student
Will be junior in fall
Weak essays -_-
Few to none community service</p>

<p>Applied to:
General college scholarship
Wells fago
Exxon mobile

<p>I hope my gpa high gpa will be enough…</p>


<p>3.71 GPA</p>

<p>Community Service: Moderate </p>

<p>Summer Science Research </p>

<p>Strong writer</p>

<p>Applied to </p>

<p>General Scholarship</p>

<p>Clorox (Over 25 w/dependent category)</p>

<p>Crossing my fingers!</p>

3.9 unweighted
4.6 weighted</p>

CR: 740
M: 690
W: 790
2220 total</p>

12 honors
9 AP
International Baccalaureate program
Graduating a year early</p>

President of two clubs
Involvement in several other clubs
Taekwondo instructor
Tutor, 3 years
Piano, 12 years
Childcare job, 1 year (18 hrs/wk)</p>

<p>Applied to:
General Scholarship
Haz La U
Wells Fargo
Coca-Cola Atlanta

<p>I was wondering if anyone has heard anything from any scholarships that were going to be awarded in April? I applied for a scholarship that has a notification date of April 2013, but I haven’t heard anything yet. I’ve checked my status everyday and it remains as “reviewed.”</p>

<p>Has your SAR been successfully processed? Does it say “received eligible” next to it? That could be the issue. I don’t have any scholarships that said results were coming out in April so I can’t help you with that. But in general, HSF tends to run behind their deadlines. It is a truly Hispanic organization; never on time.</p>

<p>Amanda, thank you so much for such a quick response! :slight_smile: I submitted my SAR about 2 weeks ago when it was requested. It now says, “Student Aid Report - RECEIVED ELIGIBLE.”</p>

<p>This is my first time applying for a scholarship with HSF, so I had no idea that they ran a little behind their deadlines. But it’s understandable, they must have thousands of applications to review.</p>

<p>Anyway, I have obsessively checking the status of my application the last 3 says hoping it would change to something wonderful. I guess all I can do at this point is patiently wait and see :)</p>

<p>I believe they will send you an email about it as they seem to do with any other changes or updates but I totally understand the obsessive checking. Oh, you might want to “like” their page on Facebook for the most recent news on their scholarships.</p>

<p>Crossing my fingers for you!</p>

<p><a href=“https://www.facebook.com/HispanicScholarshipFund[/url]”>https://www.facebook.com/HispanicScholarshipFund&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks! :slight_smile: I will def check out their facebook page.
Keeping my fingers crossed for you too!</p>

<p>btw, I did IB in high school too. The rigorous program really prepared me for the college workload.</p>

<p>Just curious, where do you go to school? I’m headed to the UGA Honors program.</p>

<p>HSF will announce the winners of the Clorox scholarship on Saturday May, 4th!</p>

<p>Thanks, Renee!</p>

<p>good luck to all of you that applied for the Clorox scholarship! :)</p>

<p>Does anyone know the meaning of “SAR Received” status? Is it good or bad? My status changed from “Reviewed” to “SAR Received”… From what I have read from previous years posts looks like it is a good thing since all guys having that status later they get awarded.</p>