<p>I am going to enroll into University of California Davis or San Diego next year and major in Sociology (community studies) and minor is Communication and hopefully get a Human Resources Generalist/Recruiting intern at the time. If I really need to I'll transfer to a State School (San Jose State) and get a bachelors in Human Resources Management; my question was is this a good idea <a href="I%20know%20most%20people%20will%20ask%20%22why%20waste%20time%20with%20sociology%20and%20communications?%22,%20well%20first%20off%20I%20want%20to%20go%20to%20a%20UC%20for%20the%20name">B</a> and my next question is I can't seem to find any entry level recruiting jobs/internships, they all ask for experience, so is it even out there? </p>
<p>Does this all seem like a good route to take?**</p>