Humanities Elective for a Freshman Engineer

<p>Hey guys! So, for my humanities elective, I would really like to take the Gender and Film class, as it covers the writing requirement and is a subject I'm interested in, but it was not on the approved list of electives for engineers. I'll be meeting with my adviser later this week and see if I can take it, but I would like to have some good alternative courses lined up in case it doesn't work out.
So my main question is...
What classes have you enjoyed at Pitt, preferably a writing requirement fulfilling course so I can get that out of the way?</p>

<p>Also, if anyone knows if I can take the Gender and Film class, please chime in! I would love to know if I could take it.</p>

<p>Thanks yall!</p>



<p>Then it won’t count, unfortunately.</p>



<p>I took an Intro to Film Genre class (warning: meets once a week for 4 hours but you always watch a movie) which also completed the “W” requirement (three essays and 2 short talks for the semester). A popular course to take is the Written Professional Communication class. It completes both a “W” and your communication requirement (depending on the department you go into). For MEMS this was a popular one.</p>

<p>As a side note: definitely try to take the “Intro to Performance” elective before you graduate. It will count for a humanities elective and is probably the best & most fun class I took on campus.</p>

<p>Darn, ah well. Thank you for the suggestions though! Intro to performance does sound interesting, is it a theatre class?</p>



<p>Yes and no. You have one very small (like 30 pages giant comic sans print) book you read about different types of stages and some other things. I think we spent 1 class on this. We played a LOT of theater games (sometimes the whole class, which for me was 1 hr 45 min) and we had to do 2 skits for the semester: a made up scene as our “midterm” and a scene from a play as our “final”. Plus we had to see all 4 theater shows that Pitt put on that semester (cost about $35 for the season pass IIRC) and write a short 1-3 paragraph summary of our opinion on what we had seen.</p>

<p>Overall: super easy, a LOT of fun (seriously!) and pretty good class. They keep them small (about 20 students per class) so you really get to know your classmates. It’s popular among the athletes as a fulfillment of their “arts” requirement, my class had a starting football player, two soccer players, and a softball player in it. But we also had engineers, science majors, theater majors, etc.</p>