<p>Soooo, I’m basically in love with Brown…I’m currently a Junior and eventho I still have a loooong way before application starts, I just can’t see myself being anywhere else for college…I love it too much that i think about going there all the time and it’s depressing…</p>

<p>My question: WHY WOULD ANYONE not want to go to Brown? It’s such an amazing school!!</p>

<p>I know this is weird, but I do want to know the bad stuff about Brown so that I don’t love it too much and be all emo if I don’t get in. Anyone would like to share what’s bad about Brown? (other than the dorms?)</p>

<p>Anything negative about Brown, anyone?</p>

<p>Well, it's the least funded of the Ivy Leagues, so, for example, people giving tours and info sessions and stuff are just volunteering. However, that could be turned around to say that the kids just love the school so much they don't even mind about the pay, they just want to help out.
Also, the party scene is way lacking, if you're into that. Plus greek life is not very prominent there if that's something you wanted to pursue...
It's the lowest rated of the Ivy Leagues??
I'm trying to help but I'm in pretty much the same situation as you. I just sent in my early decision app a few days ago. I was really realllyyyyyy excited to go there (if I could ever get in, which is highly unlikely) and surprisingly a lot of people told me I wouldn't like it and tried to convince me not to apply early. A lot of people seem to think it'd be more fun to go to the state school or a bigger school perhaps, or just that I wouldn't have fun there, giving me reasons specific to my personality--this made me feel like I would be less bummed about not getting in, but I still love it to death and want to go there really bad. Try talking to people you know well who go to other universities and hear good things they have to say about their school.
As far as I'm concerned, Brown is a very unique university, but I'm sure you'll be happy where ever you end up. If not, I've heard from many people that transferring in, especially with good grades, is actually a fairly easy process with a high acceptance rate, so if you're still dying to go there, you always have that option.
Hope this helps!</p>

<p>Transferring is fairly easy? With an 8% acceptance rate the past couple of years I wouldn't say that. The 900 or so people who got rejected probably wouldn't like that kind of talk either. Please don't spread information that you don't know much about.</p>

<p>As far as the OP's question, yes there are things Brown could improve on. Such as organization...a student center...upkeep of facilities...dorms...</p>

<p>At least these are things I wish were improved upon.</p>

<p>Thank you soo much cadetblue!
Yeah Brown is just an amazing school.
Keep me updated about ur application process tp Brown. I would love to know all the details like if u get in..:P

Well, it's the least funded of the Ivy Leagues, so, for example, people giving tours and info sessions and stuff are just volunteering. However, that could be turned around to say that the kids just love the school so much they don't even mind about the pay, they just want to help out.


Considering the good feedback we've gotten on tours and the fact that more than twice as many students interview as can be taken to give tours each semester, I'd say that this is not a problem.</p>

<p>More than that, having a smaller endowment does not mean least funded (I have no idea what the comparison is between the Ivies in terms of expenditure per student on activities directly related to undergraduates... it may be we spend less per student, we may spend more).</p>

<p>More than that, and I still haven't heard anyone who criticizes endowment be capable of making this statement, to criticize endowment I always suggest that you bring up an example of how a larger endowment has directly effected the quality of education of undergraduates. Few can pull that one off.


Also, the party scene is way lacking, if you're into that. Plus greek life is not very prominent there if that's something you wanted to pursue...
It's the lowest rated of the Ivy Leagues??


<p>Ratings are a whole separate issue.</p>

<p>Party scene lacking? That depends on your perspective, completely.</p>

<p>FWIW, being an actual student here, my complaints would be that we've been far too slow actually accomplishing a lot of the planned infrastructure improvements here on campus. I also think the UTRA program needs to increase the amount of funding for research over the summer.</p>

<p>Sorry if I sound like a jerk. This forum is full of people who make casual, common critique without experience or thorough consideration of the meaning of that criticism.</p>

<p>Thanks Modestmelody</p>

<p>You guys fail me..I'm still in love with Brown..gosh..</p>

<p>I wouldn't say the party scene is lacking at all...I went out every single night last week and I doubt anyone I encountered would cite Brown's party scene as a negative.</p>

<p>I don't even know how you can go out every night... ehh. Guess I'm old.</p>

<p>liquid, spatts, fishco, halloween parties (x3)...last week was great.</p>

<p>Capt. Seaweed's not being mention means your week was a fail.</p>

<p>OMG i feel the exact same way , and i'm a Junior too ! I actually WANT to start the application process ! haha Brown is such an incredible place, it's the only school i REALLY want to go to.</p>

<p>Well it is too tilted towards political leftism, is in a city I consider too small and unremarkable, has no curriculum (which to me is a significant negative), and doesn't even have a good deal of the academic disciplines I want. I also find its architecture unremarkable.</p>

<p>But I'm not here to help you hate Brown. It's still undoubtedly one of the best schools in the nation with a fantastic education and equally fantastic students who would be your peers. :P</p>

<p>Interesting, considering an Open Curriculum is not a lack of curriculum, "too left" is a subjective call, we have over 95 concentrations on the books, and the architecture is distinctive and calling it "unremarkable" is also a subjective call.</p>

<p>Good bagels are not copious around here, but I'm from NY.</p>

<p>Same here. I'm banking my entire freaking high school career on going to Brown. It seems like heaven compared to here and I hate it here, both in the suburbs and in high school, oh so much. And I'd gladly work myself to death and apply Early Decision, just to have some assurance that all the suffering was worth it you know?</p>

<p>im feelin it bro</p>

<p>Ok, sorry if I put gave you incorrect information, but I know a bunch of people who go to Brown and have visited and I was just relaying what they told me. Of course anything one says can be argued, and a lot of this is subjective. It totally depends on the person…just don’t get too obsessed with this school!! I’m sure you’ve heard it more than enough, but even if they don’t go to their top choice, almost everyone loves where they end up.
Thanks so much though!! I will definitely let you know what happens.
Keep up your grades and do lots of stuff to show them that you’re a good candidate for admission. Maybe I’ll see you in a few years??? 8 ).</p>