I accidentally put one of my UC approved HS classes in the "other coursework" section

I have just recently submitted my application, however I have learned that one of my classes, Digital Electronics, is actually UC approved and should have been input with the rest of the grades and not in the “other coursework” section.

The reason I did not include this class in the regular spot is because on the UC application DE is listed as “Digital Electronics PLTW” but the course I am took is in no way affiliated with PLTW. I made sure to explain this in the description box in the “other curriculum” section. The problem is that after checking my school’s website and course profiles, the course is actually tagged as “UC approved”.

This is not a course I need to meet the A-G requirements, but it does change my GPA very slightly. (10-12 unweighted goes down about 0.01, 10-12 weighted goes up about 0.01, but UC GPA does not change).

I am wondering whether this is a serious problem which could potentially mess up acceptance or transcript reviews in the future. Do you recommend that I contact the schools if this is an issue? Also, if possible, I would really appreciate any pointers on how exactly I would do so if I end up needing to. Thanks for helping me out!

More context: class is in progress right now, but first quarter transcripts are in. I got an A, so there’s nothing to hide here and I did not intend for this to affect my GPA. I intend to fix this issue if anything needs to be done.

Just email UC admissions with the correction and keep any documentation you receive back just in case there is an issue later.

Not a big problem.

Thank you! I’ll make sure to do that as soon as possible.

I don’t work for the UC system so take my opinion with a grain of salt. I also don’t think it is an issue. If you have the required A-G courses without this class, listing it in A-G can show more rigor but listing it in Activities gives you the opportunity to explain what you learned in the course. Contacting UC admissions and notifying them will give you peace of mind.

More than anything, I wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS on submitting your UC application already. :smiley: