I also want to complain about A-'ses

<p>I took two introductory courses in economics and got an A- in both... I mean if I intended to major in it and I'm not doing that good with the most basic concepts, what am I going to do in upper-level courses? :/ :/ :/ and I was seriously expecting an A because I almost always got better grades than the others students... Why do I care so much about grades anyway? I wish I'd never found CC. ok ok, maybe not that part... :)</p>

<p>lol… good satyr. This IS satyr right?! :-P</p>

<p>My answer: try harder.</p>

<p>That I got these grades is true, but my reaction is satirical :slight_smile: Although I do think that somewhere in the back of my head I had a notion that as long as I’ll do better than everyone else, I’ll be entitled to an A. Oh well, next semester I WILL work harder!</p>

<p>haha. I think A-s are perfectly fine your first semester (or any sem for that matter) in your own major! Congrats on a job well-done!</p>

<p>Anyone who spells satire “satyr” should be shot. I don’t care if you were joking.</p>



<p>Marry me? Please?</p>

<p>get over it, ein</p>

<p>please, most would kill for an A-.</p>

<p>Apparently satire is a lost art these days…</p>

<p>… you probably didn’t do better than everyone.</p>

<p>What are you talking about, I killed satire myself. Rid the world of a true evil. </p>

<p>As for grades, well I’d rather not talk about that.</p>

<p>yeah I did do better than the others. The class was small enough for me to see that most often came unprepared, and the few tirades the teacher gave about poor exam grades further reinforced my perception. But the point of all this is that an A- isn’t the end of it all… Even if one’s going to law/med school or graduate work.</p>

<p>i mean … you don’t know that even though “most” came unprepared, there wasn’t one kid who did better than you. Also, you can’t always judge how much someone knows and how they perform on exams and assignments based on how they appear in class. </p>

<p>also, this thread is stupid.</p>

<p>I know it is, but what of that? Most threads on CC surprise with their foolishness. You get kids who got into the ivy league asking if they’ll ever survive college without drinking or what to do if they like someone from facebook.</p>

<p>what were we talking about originally?</p>

<p>what the crap is wrong with you fools? An A- is great level of work.</p>

<p>People on CC need to quit going to college for grades and need to go to college to learn.</p>

<p>there is a difference. get a clue.</p>

<p>wait until you get your first C in college… Then we’ll see if you are complaining about getting an A-</p>

<p>leprostaist, I agree completely</p>