<p>hi to everyone!</p>
<p>I really would love some input/advice/help etc because, quite honestly, i do not know where to go from my current standpoint.</p>
<p>I am a junior and i wish to pursue hospitality administration.</p>
<p>my stats are as follows:</p>
<p>GPA uw 3.7 cumulative, junior year is 3.8, school doesnt weight
rank: top 10 percent</p>
<p>SAT: havent taken it yet, but it should be good based on PSATs and studying
and by good i mean, V >700 W >700 M 650-700
SAT II: havent taken yet...</p>
<p>I am taking the heaviest courseload available at my school and i will graduate with 4 APS (1 junior year, as i can only take one junior year, and 3 next year)</p>
Varsity crew team- 4 years
captain of fall regatta crew- 2 years
captain of spring sprint crew- 2 years
chattin wetherill trophy for most dedicated and competitive rower
MIP rower
varsity basketball - 1 year
junior class vice president
philanthropy society leader
library volunteer</p>
<p>Cornell summer college for leadership in managerial communication- this summer</p>
<p>internship/work at a inn/restauraunt ranked the number 1 spa in american and the number 8 best place to get away in the US</p>
<p>prefect- (ranks higher than student government) of my senior year</p>
<p>as far as parts of my college app, the recommendations will be by far my greatest asset.</p>
<p>my essays will also be great.</p>
<p>SO for hospitality administration....my college counselor told me to look at schools like University of New Haven. I bluntly responded that Cornell was my dream goal- especially for hospitality administration. she...kind of laughed.</p>
<p>so for schools that HAVE hospitality as a program, i was thinking Cornell, Boston University and University of Denver</p>
<p>then i started thinking....what about business schools that have business administration? </p>
<p>so i dont know where to look besides those three schools...any other schools with hospitality? or business schools? and which ones?
any help is </p>
<p>GREATLY appreciated.</p>
<p>thanks so much! :-)</p>