I am doomed

I submitted my UT application 2 days ago, however, there are 2 grammatical errors in my essay and short answer responses! I didn’t notice these errors, until after I submitted my application. I’m not even sure if I can resubmit since UT received my application. I’m now worried that this mishap ruin my chances of getting in. Is there anything I can do?
P.S. I’m not auto admission :frowning:

Not a big deal.


You can contact UT and ask to resubmit your essay.
Then just try to let it go (I know that’s easier said than done). You’re not doomed.

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I’d like to think that it wouldn’t be a cause for rejection. If you have a strong application overall and seem like a good fit for the school, they probably wouldn’t hold a few minor errors against you. I had the biggest freak out after realizing I misspelled a word in my common app last night. The worst thing was that the edited version, that didn’t have the misspell, was just sitting in my word documents, I somehow didn’t paste the correct one into the submission. You’re not alone! And you’re not doomed!


I would just leave it and do nothing.

Then, read this thread, because we could all use some laughs in the midst of the stressful college admissions season: Clam fart! Oh my God... What did I do?!


OMG :joy: :joy: :joy: . This thread made me laugh my anxiety away, thank you.


Thank you!! I’ve been panicking because someone said it would make me come off as “irresponsible” to admissions :pensive:

You aren’t doomed. You’ve submitted. Take it easy. Do a search for “clamfart” here on CC. You will feel better.

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It makes your application look “authentic” without a tuna (*) of paid or parental editing. Good for you!!

(*) I meant ton😀


Let it go. It will be fine. My kid’s supplemental essay for tippy top school had an editing recommendation still in it when he submitted, something like {insert/remove XYZ here - it doesn’t help with flow} that he forgot to edit out, and he still got in. Don’t give it another thought.


The only perfection is imperfection.


Thanks so much for posting this. I had never read it. Showed it to my D22 who is stressing right now too.


Authenticity in imperfections. Actually could be a plus.

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