I am extremely stressed over picking major

<p>I do not know what I want to major in. I have probably narrowed it down to 10-15 majors. I need scholarships! I have received paperwork that scholarship applications are coming up due, and they all seem to be attached to majors. Same for honors programs. I cannot go to TAMU without scholarships!! I am getting very frustrated and down trying to figure this out. This was supposed to be a great time of my life. Instead, I just feel like sitting here and crying.</p>

<p>Also, when I applied originally, I was in love with the Cornerstone program and figured I would major in a liberal arts major. But then I realized it is housed in the most expensive dorm and I cannot afford that. And I was also originally listed as an International Studies major and then I saw that I would have to study abroad, and I cannot see affording that either. So, since engineering was one of many other areas that interested me, and if I did not switch to it right away, it would fill up and I would not be able to switch to it later. So I am currently declared an engineering major.</p>

<p>There are many types of scholarships, don’t panic ,they are not all tied to your major. The university wide ones are tied to just being a student, honors program ones you need to remain in that honors program (there is a university honors program), some are based on other criteria not tied to a major ( first to go to college, where you graduated HS, corps membership,etc.) and of course there are the ones tied to your major or to the honors programs in your major. These are merit scholarships, sounds like you might qualify for need scholarships as well which opens even more opportunities. Also there are continuing student scholarships that you apply for once you have attended the university, so if you change your major (or not) you will have other opportunities for scholarships in the future as well. There are also scholarships that you can apply for that are not connected to the university, you seek those out on your own. They are normally condition free other than the enrollment in a four year university. I would ‘own’ your major at this point, you will have opportunities to take other courses in CBK. Good luck!</p>

<p>I am getting so depressed over this that my mom wants me to go on antidepressants. Would you believe counseling is covered by our insurance, but no one takes our insurance within about 2 hours drive? I do not see how anyone survives all this stress. I spend half my time crying anymore. Why did I bother to take all these AP classes? I have worked my butt off in every area, only to face no college, or having to commit for all of eternity to a major, before I know anything about those majors. Please don’t call me dramatic. It is not like anyone can just call the university and just say “hey, I need help with this.” I am 100% on my own on this. My parents try to help, but they cannot wade their way through this anymore than I can.</p>

<p>You need to relax! What are you stats? What other schools are you applying to? Don’t worry so much, everything will work out in the end</p>

<p>You have done some research and have a list of majors that sound interesting to you. Great start. The purpose of college is to hopefully learn skills that will lead to gainful employment. What are some possible jobs associated with the majors on your list? Do any of those jobs sound like something you could see yourself making a carreer out of? Don’t get too far down this path right now or you will get frustrated again. Just a general feel is probably enough at this time. You will pick a major that sounds interesting at this time and you think you might be interested in the employment it is most likely to lead to. if after a semester or two you think “I don’t think I like this” you can make a change in your goals/major.
This is a big decision and it is good that you are giving it serious consideration but it is not an irrevocable decision that is going to define the rest of your life. Good luck.</p>