I am in a dilemma.

<p>Hey everyone,</p>

<p>I am just worried out of my mind with this whole college application process. I work hard, yet the more I do, the less sense of direction I feel.</p>

<p>After scanning the ECs a lot of you all have, I'm questioning whether my supposedly "hectic" junior schedule is really quite crazy enough to impress college admissions officers.</p>

<p>So, without further ado, here are my ECs as of my junior year:</p>

<p>-Piano classes for 10 yrs
+played piano in elderly home (original idea of mine)
-HOP volunteer at school (I'll be doing this for 2 yrs. total)
-Member of School Site Council (I'm thinking this might benefit the political science major I'm planning to pursue as the council relates heavily to school government)
-Secretary/Treasurer of Culinary Club
-Tutor for 4 yrs. (This counts as community service. I'm trying to get a leadership position somewhere in the program... any ideas?)
-Received 4 awards (so far)
+literature (x2)
+science (physics)
-NHS member (2 yrs.)
-FNHS member (2 yrs.)
-Hebrew school student 2007-2008
-Cross Country team member (I was there for a few months, so I doubt this really counts)</p>

<p>My classes are generally solid, and my GPA is currently a 4.0 (hopefully it will stay that way if I can get through my difficult classes this year. I'm taking 1 AP and 3 honors classes. And last year I took another honors class. My senior year, I'll probably be taking 4 or so APs.)</p>


<p>Later this year, specifically in January, I'm planning to enroll in a prestigious community service program at a hospital. It is well recognized nationally.</p>

<p>Nearing the end of this year (somewhere around spring), I'm planning to create my own club to be president. It will be a social activism club.</p>

<p>In the summer, I'm planning to pursue a governmental internship.</p>

<p>I'm not perfectly sure of what major I will choose in college, yet political science seems plausible.</p>

<p>My main question is if my resume reflects that of a future political science major at an Ivy League college. I'm still considering enrolling in a just generally good college for my undergrad. studies and then transferring to an Ivy League school for my grad. studies.</p>

<p>So, what do you all think? Suggestions are truly appreciated!</p>


<p>Doesn’t mean anything without standardized test scores.</p>

<p>is the 4.0 w or uw?</p>

<p>The 4.0 GPA is unweighted.
And I’ve taken many practice SATs, with my highest score being a 2150.</p>