I applied to Columbia college with a 30 act LOL

<p>hmm... rejection? or rejection.
30 act, approx. 2000 combined SAT II scores, i'm captain of the cross country team and swim team, math team 4 years, 3.92 unweighted gpa with the most rigorous schedule, not that many service hours. killer essay. i've played piano for 12 years, but so has every other kid. i play 6 instruments, most for 5 years or more. i'm not a national merit finalist. i'm not a national merit semifinalist. I applied ed. pretty much throwin' a prayer. </p>

<p>question-- are my chances 2% or 3%. oh and im a white male, so make that .2% or .3%! yeah!!!!!</p>

<p>killer essay></p>

<p>Could i see,</p>

<p>you could see my essay</p>

<p>i applied ed already</p>

<p>yeah sure. ill pm it</p>

<p>i sent you mine</p>

<p>yours was pretty good, albeit, not sure if it is killer or not, but it was good/good enough for admissions</p>

<p>alright thanks</p>

<p>30 ACT isn’t bad. Idk the equivalent SAT, but my friend got in ED as an Asian male w/ a 1900</p>

<p>yep its respectable</p>

<p>as long as the stats are respectable you could be fine</p>

<p>your ECs have to set you apart though</p>

<p>alright. i guess we’ll see then. good luck to you all too</p>




<p>One question: Is there a kid on CC that does not believe his essay is ‘killer’?</p>

<p>pm me your essay</p>