I applied to Harvard already...is this a good idea???

So I recently applied to Harvard (I know) by the January 1st deadline, and submitted everything already to them, including the writing supplement. However, just yesterday I came up with a really unique topic to write about and considered sending it to them as an ‘additional supplement’, seeing as they give that option. Do you think it would be a good idea to add this extra writing to my app, or will it just bother the admissions committee? And yes, the writing is something I have not mentioned anywhere in my app before and I think it is unique to me. So any thoughts? Any response will be appreciated, thanks!

The deadline has already been passed. Email Harvard and ask them

Don’t bother. You already submitted your application.

Don’t do it. You will come across as desperate which is not a valued trait.

agree with tomofboston – all Harvard applicants have a level of desperation – that’s understood. Your goal is to mask that! good luck

Ok, thanks guys! I hope my app will be good enough without it. :slight_smile: