I applied to LAS... but I also want to be considered for DGS..

<p>I applied to LAS, but I also want my application to be considered for DGS..
do they automatically consider you for all the colleges at UIUC or
if I applied to LAS, my application is only considered for LAS??</p>

<p>and I'm going to take December ACT..
my previous test scores are not so good..
should I send my previous scores first and send my December score when it comes out?
or should I just wait and decide after I take the December test?</p>

<p>Thank You</p>

<p>I was at UIUC for a campus visit and a representative from admissions said that they used to only consider admission to DGS for engineering applicants, but because of that system’s popularity everyone who applies, and is capable of acceptance into DGS, will be offered admission. So if you can get into DGS, but not LAS I’m pretty sure theyll gie you that opportunity.</p>