I just started my second semester and I am losing hope in finding a major. My whole life I never knew what I wanted to do, and when people asked me through high school I just shrugged and said “I don’t know.” I’m going to a college that is branched off of a bigger university and I commute. Taking a break is not an option, and I don’t really want to transfer to the main university and live as a student where there are many more majors to chose from (My opinion might change about this in a year, though). Basically, I do have interests that have sparked through my first semester classes. I enjoyed my English class about sustainability and I would love to learn more about the issue. I also enjoy my earth science class and my psychology class. Another thing that worries me is that I will not be able to complete the courses required for whichever major I find interesting. I am not strong in math and some majors I looked at required calculus and beyond… I can barely get through algebra class. So, any ideas to help me get this stuff together?
It sounds like you are interested in the earth sciences and environmental studies. Check out the major at your university.
Hi, I have looked at the major for environmental studies offered at my branch campus and it involved a lot of biology, chemistry, and math which I am very weak in. Should I consider this major anyway despite the courses needed?
You hold the opinion that you are necessarily weak in math, but I’m inclined to think you should work on it more before resigning yourself to losing all that math competence enables. I suggest that you try different teachers, tutors and spending more time working the problems - preferably to some extent before enrollment in a class, so you’re already familiar with the material.
I agree about improving in math but I am guessing this is not going to be your destiny. In another era students with no academic interests wouldn’t be in college. But now the colleges are filled with such students. They often got through high school, sometimes with outstanding records, by chasing grades and not considering their interest or the ramifications/importance of what they were learning. It was all “required” and “everyone took” the courses. They contribute the anti-intellectual climate in many, especially public, schools. My wish is that they’d all take a semester off and return when they have some intellectual interests…any intellectual interest. But that isn’t going to happen for most. So just major in whatever to get your degree. Does it matter?
Yeah, many end up English or Psych majors.
If you don’t know what you want yet, it’s probably best for you to take some general education courses first. You’ll need to take them anyway.
Also, if you are interested in earth science and psychology, it might be worth taking the classes for majors in those areas to see if you like them enough to major in them! Try stuff out and see what you like.