I can't take Calculus AB or Calculus BC my junior year due to budget cuts?

I’m an IB sophomore, and I was originally admitted into a Calculus AB class out of 60 people for junior year. However, due to my school’s forced budget cut of $4,000,000, one Calculus AB class was taken from the math program. So, only 30 people were admitted. The BC class was already occupied by a sophomore statistics class, so it was already unlikely to even get a spot in the double period for junior year. Everyone took a multiple choice placement test, yet only one person got an 85 as a raw score, with the majority of about 100 people out of 180 failing. I got a 76 curved, because hardly anything on our study guide and our class sessions discussed the matters of the 30 question placement test. I got an A my first semester, but I’m getting a B for getting a C on my placement exam. With most of the spots taken for Calculus AB, I’m not even qualified for it and I have to take honors-level Math Studies next year. Will colleges hold this against me? If I take an individual calculus course over my summer break, will I still receive the same amount of credits as a regular SL calculus student? I took geometry over my freshman year summer break, and I got a 92, while still receiving a year’s worth of credit for the subject. How can I make up for this?

A little sidenote that’s off topic here: Will a 3.85 GPA in both semesters of my sophomore year (one of the B’s I got in one semester was in pre-calculus) hurt my transcript in comparison to the 4.0 GPA I got in freshman year?

I’m very confused by your post. IB students must take SL, Math topics, or HL. Are you saying your school is not letting you take SL because there’s no room or because your placement test was not high enough?

My score and average was high enough, until the school recently found out that one of the two Calculus AB classes was cut. There used to be room for 60 people, but now only 30 people can be admitted, and I’m not one of them. Sorry for any of the confusion.

Budget cuts are a red herring. You can’t take Calc AB because there are 30 students who are better qualified than you. Colleges will view it in that context.

Make the most of your what classes you do have; there are very, very few schools that require calculus for admission.

Probably not, but it’s impossible to answer that question without knowing how that compares to the rest of your class.

You keep saying you cannot take Calculus AB but you seem to actually mean you can’t take IB math SL

Can you take it senior year instead?