I can't wait to get out of this town!!!

<p>I'd just like to point out the hate I feel for anyone who's ever said this.</p>

<p>Yes, it's the town. It's absolutely not you. It's the town's fault.</p>

<p>A corallary to this bout of scorn and condesension is the kids who complain about the other people in the town. People are gonna be the same wherever you go. Get over it.</p>

<p>That said, I cannot wait to get out of this lame, piece-of-crud town. (The kids here are so stuck up and unmotivated.) Take that Fort Worth, Texas.</p>

<p>is this national red herring day?</p>

<p>Yes. Yes it is.</p>

<p>What I thought.</p>

<p>Yea, I hate it here.</p>

<p>I Hate my area period...i mean the whole area(north shore of Long Island) Its a full of **<strong><em>ier girls that have more money then me(shock!) I Was pretty much on top of the money ladder be4 i came here probably b/c of the *</em></strong>ty areas surrounding where i lived and went to school w/ us</p>

<p>No, you've got it all wrong. Rich people are really fun. Haven't you ever watched My Super Sweet 16? There's high comedy whenever rich people are involved in anything, particularly when it's completely irrelevant and frivolous.</p>

<p>I have a love-hate w/ my community.</p>

<p>Try living in a town of 700. If you have a huge farm (I don't), you're set. But for me, its go far, far away or be broke</p>

<p>I live in NJ...its relaxed...i love the diversity...its great</p>

<p>i must admit LI..is full of rich ppl...who's kids just get high all the time</p>

<p>NJ isn't really diverse, though. It's like 75% white.</p>

<p>i think where i come from...its really diverse...i think the numbers are a bit off...b/c south jersey...and northwest jersey is mostly white...its teh central jersey part thats diverse...thats where im from</p>

<p>btw, you are correct though
<a href="http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/34000.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/34000.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Yeah, central Jersey is fairly diverse. Those suburban parts throw NJ into the "mostly white" category, though.</p>

<p>^ you from jerzey?</p>

<p>Northwest Jersey. Hurrah.</p>

<p>By some, we're not really considered part of New Jersey. To be perfectly honest, we really should be part of Pennsylvania, since we don't fit the New Jersey stereotype at all. I live next to a farm. By next to, I mean 3.5 miles away. That's my nearest neighbor; driving to school takes a good 20 minute drive. We're 99.5% white up here. But I love it up here. My roots are up here, and I'm glad. It's just a seperate experience from the rest of New Jersey; eneryone who lives in the state should really drive up and experience it sometime. Now if only the development of our forested areas, meadows, and our aquatically sensitive areas would just stop. ;(</p>

<p>In any case...</p>

<p>Yay New Jersey.</p>

<p>Nooo, I'm from Atlanta.</p>

<p>that's true...northwest jersey is a lot like PA...farms, etc</p>

<p>btw, Sussex County? im a union county....you know when its bad when there is no more land to be developed for housing in your WHOLE county</p>

<p>I feel ya. They tear down older homes here to put up newer subdivisions on like 1/8 of an acre!</p>

<p>you cant even tear down very many homes in the county...cuz they all cost 200k+ (even the crap houses)...and new houses cost at least 600k....if not 800-900k...its ridiculous...the prices</p>

<p>Hey, I found the demographics for my MSA:</p>

<p>58.06% White
28.83% Black
7.93% Hispanic/Latino
4.04% Asian/Native Hawaiian/Islander
1.01% Multi-Racial
.14% Other</p>