<p>My daughter fell in love with a school and while we got a good amount of $$ between the school grant, federal $$ and state $$ -- there is still a $16,000 per yr deficit. $10K is allotted to loans and $6K to unaccounted for ... We had an EFC of about $1800. </p>
<p>Because it's a technical school that requires coop as part of the graduation requirement -- she will (hopefully) work and make some $$ in the middle of getting her degree and if all goes well be employable afterward -- so we're likely going to try to make this happen for her one way or the other ... </p>
<p>Of course more $$ can only help so I figured it was worth a shot.</p>
<p>Wow…your D was given $4500 in Perkins loans? I’ve never seen that large of a Perkins loan in one student’s package. I know that those loans can go up to about $5500, but I’ve never seen one kid get that much.</p>
<p>you might consider a Plus loan to help with some of the shortfall and a summer job to cover the rest. there are many other costs associated with having a child go away to college…dorm stuff, help with move in (hotel), parents weekend, etc.</p>
<p>is that unusual (i guess yes, if you’ve never seen it) and now I’m worried. Is there a qualification to get it or is it enough that the school set it aside?</p>
Co-ops in the technical fields can make some pretty serious coin. $20-$25/hour is not unusual, plus many will kick in some for housing expenses etc.</p>
<p>She should be able to save some serious money if she is frugal.</p>