<p>Hello everyone,</p>
<p>I plan to take the SAT math II and physics this November and people here recommended some books, but i can't find any of these in my country (morocco) and i really need something to work on since i want to do engineering at a top school.</p>
<p>If one of you was in the same situation, what did you do ? Do you know any website that could be helpful in preparing these two subjects ??
Or, if someone is from morocco, can you tell when i can find these books ??</p>
<p>I really need help!!</p>
<p>(i'm also posting this in the sat preparation discussion)</p>
<p>Also, if there is anyone who only prepared online, how was your score(s) ?</p>
<p>OK, i used
<a href=“http://kickass.to/sat-test-study-guides-2013-epub-pdf-t8207061.html”>http://kickass.to/sat-test-study-guides-2013-epub-pdf-t8207061.html</a></p>
<p>They are all torrent file , and make sure you have an epub file reader. You will find all the books you will need here.</p>
<p>For physics:-cracking the sat physics, an excellent book, somewhat realistic practice tests, you should get an 800 on the real things if you ace this one. THere are other sources for physics mainly barron’s, but seriously don’t use it is nothing like the real thing, just use cracking the sat physics book.</p>
<p>For sat math ||, use barron’s math subject test. it is way more difficult than the real thing, but in a good way. It will over prep you in a way that the real thing will feel like a breeze. A 650-700 on the barron’s is like an 800 on the real thing.</p>
<p>i prepared only from this books, and i got an 800 on physics, and 790 on math(silly mistakes). you won’t find the one’s from college board online(if you aren’t going to buy them), so just use the one’s from the link.</p>
<p>@bktohelp Thank you so much, but i can’t figure out how i can download them!</p>
<p>@bktohelp i just figured it out alone(“download” was written in big characters haha), thank’s a looot for your help!</p>
<p>@rolay19, if you are looking to solidy your math and physics skills, here is an awesome website <a href=“http://www.brilliant.org”>www.brilliant.org</a> ,
It will come in handy beyond the subject test.</p>
<p>Happy to help!
<p>@bktohelp Thanks a lot :)</p>