“I don’t care what you think” -My AP English Teacher

@gardenstategal @novafan1225 Thank you for your perspectives on the different tones she could have been using. One thing we’re learning in AP english is different tones and connotations! I find that topic on the power of different words very fascinating and I will look into that book. However, I spoke to some of my classmates today to get their perspective on the situation, and they agree that she just wanted me to be quiet and dismissed me in a rude manner :frowning:

Someone was rude to you. It won’t be the last time. You will have to deal with all kinds of people in life, and some will be rude. Don’t be like them. As @doschicos said, let it go.

@TQfromtheU Thank you for sharing, at least I know I’m not alone! I’ve talked to a college student who took this teacher’s class and is very similar to me, she also had problems with the teacher and received poor grades she did not deserve. This leads me to believe that you’re right about this teacher being one of those that cannot handle the drive of certain students.

@sammycp your comment 42 makes it sound like you think your teacher can’t handle your drive. A really important life lesson is sometimes you have to just go with the flow and it’s important to not be too demanding of time/resources. Your teacher has 97 kids. That’s a lot! There is only so much time she has. If you are academically gifted, good for you! Seriously. But you also have to be aware of other people’s needs too, and it’s sounding more and more like you need substantially more of your teacher’s time than she can devote to you.

Some students do love to hear themselves talk though. Poor teachers, I see my kids’ peers. There is only so much internal eye rolling one can bear.

Wait til you deal with a difficult boss (or client) and your livelihood depends on learning to get along, no matter whether he or she is right, wrong, or brusque.

You asked how you can improve the relationship. I think you need to think about it a different way. You don’t have to have a good relationship with everyone you cross paths with. Not everyone is going to like you. And you don’t have to like everyone. Given the circumstances, just manage it as best you can.

Sounds like this teacher was having a bad day. I suggest letting it go and trying to relax and bring less intensity into that classroom. You really don’t know what is happening in other peoples’ lives. My youngest just learned her beloved Ap Spanish teacher has been battling malignant melanoma. The 3rd person in her limited circle dealing with serious health issues. This might be an opportunity to try dialing down your eagerness and bring curiosity to the situation. I would suggest simple breathing exercises to help relax. Counted breaths where you prolong the exhales work on your parasympathetic nervous system to calm you.

@intparent @melvin123 @Lindagaf @sciencenerd123 @gardenstategal @novafan1225 @lookingforward @twoinanddone @doschicos @Sybylla @brantly @aynrandfan Thank you all for your comments on this post. I calmly spoke to my teacher today and simply asked how I can act differently to facilitate a positive interaction for the rest of the year. She was surprised that I thought I was over-participating, and apologized for her comment because the intent was just to be snarky. She thanked me for clearing things up, “asking questions for others who are shy,” and encouraged me to keep being “engaged” :slight_smile:

@sammycp I’m so glad you figured out a resolution! I think open channels of communication are always best, as is giving others the benefit of the doubts. Teachers’ intentions are usually good, even though it’s tough when it doesn’t come across that way. I’m impressed with the way you responded and I hope that your class can continue to provide lots of interesting content for you, as well as a good relationship with your teacher!

@AWrinkleInTime Thank you for the very kind comment and hopes for the class! I agree that communication is key to solving problems, and in this case it did just that! I am confident that the conversation turned things towards the better with this teacher :slight_smile:

@sammycp So happy for your success in reaching out to your teacher. Best of luck to you.

That’s terrific! I’m so happy that you had such a positive result!