I don't know how to construct my email for my SAT scores


So the thing is, I pretty much decided to retake physics subject test for January. However, here the problem arises.
I did my score report thing when I registered (Including all my past scores). This was my first time doing it, and everything went fine.
However, I did not read the part that said “All scores will be sent (including past) when the January score is available”

So I have many colleges that accept January test dates, but also some schools that accept december test dates as the latest.

My main test score is ACT and those have been sent in. However, some colleges require I send all SAT I have taken.

So for example, Stanford accepts december as the latest test date. Since I am trying to send them my sat subject scores and also have to send in the SAT score, what should I write to them? I thought about sending my january subject score to them just for the sake of it helping me, not hurting me (if that makes sense, because subject tests are not required for them)

Sorry if anything I wrote is unclear, but I am trying to construct an email, but don’t know exactly how to word it (As you probably saw from my writing above, I can’'t put this into the right terms for some reason.)

I would not send the scores to Stanford; they’ve already said they won’t accept them.

so pretty much now, my sat score is late to send for them. Do I change it and make it send now anyway?
Or is that something I should ask the admissions, since after all, SAT isn’t the main score for me.