I completed a couple of years at university. I decided I want to take a break from school, and join the workforce for a while. I want to transfer my credits from my university to my local community college to get an Associate’s. I just want to get my Associate’s before I join the workforce, because I think it’s good to have SOMETHING than nothing at all.
I met with an advisor at the community college. The advisor told me, “If you just want a stand alone degree, you should go for the Associate of Arts.” I also thought about getting the Associate of Arts because I read that can get transferred to a university. He then told me, “If you want to get the Associate of Applied Science, you have to go in a specific area like Chemistry, Biology, Nursing, etc. You would have to take general classes and then more specific classes.”
I don’t want to do that. I don’t want to go in a specific area because I DON’T KNOW WHAT I WANT TO DO! This is why I want to take a break from school and join the workforce.
I’ve completed 61 credits at my university. I had 59 more to take. The advisor told me, “if I want to get the Associate of Arts, your credits from your university will transfer and you have to just complete 15 credits at the community college.” That sounds good. 15 credits, I can do that in a semester.
However, my mother is telling me I should get the Associate of Applied Science. I don’t want to do that, because I don’t know what direction I want to go. I told her I just want a more general degree. I also read that an Associate of Applied Science can’t get transferred to a university while an Associate of Arts can.
My mother asked, “So are you going to get an Associate’s and work at McDonalds? Walmart? Sweep floors? You have to pick a specialty!”
She’s annoying me because I feel like I’m being forced to make a quick decision and just go in a specific specialty when I don’t even know what specialty I want to get into.
I’ve never even had a job. I want to get some work experience, and I think an Associate’s will give me a better shot at landing a job. I don’t know what kind of job I want, I just want to work and develop my passion. My mother is telling me I need to pick a specific area of interest and pursue that. However I don’t know what area I want to get into.
Sorry for the rant, I just like to be detailed. But, what do you guys think?