I don't know what scholarships I q for.

<p>I have no Idea on the process or anything of that sort. </p>

<p>I'll graduate w/ an AA in engineering this summer. I want to transfer for the Fall semester. I want to study Comp. Eng, but I may consider Economics as well. </p>

<p>I'm 30 y/o, i've struggled with many things during my lifetime including illnesses. I went to one of the worst HS in the Bronx. To picture how bad it is, I ranked top 35% with a 2.0 GPA. Not including the year I studied in Santo Domingo. Though I was born here, my parents are from Dominican Republic and El Salvador. I know nothing of the latter country though. I just know Baseball, Merengue, and Bachata. </p>

<p>I really don't know my dad, and my mom did not attend college. I know no one in my immediate family who has.</p>

<p>My gpa is about 3.45 now. I reentered school a year ago and maintained a 3.9 GPA for 36 credits.</p>

<p>Calc I A
Chem I A</p>

<p>I have over 70 credits and over 110 attempts :( It's due to an LD, but I'm on treatment now. It is less of a burden.</p>

<p>You can try fastweb.com, which finds scholarships from a large database that match you. Also, look up hispanic scholarship organizations and see if you meet their requirements to apply.</p>

<p>I did try fastweb. THough it brought up a lot of results, most of them I really don’t qualify for. Some are for some specific schools, some have few scholarships available. A lot are for people entering college the first time, and some of them are a contest. I can’t write if my life depended on it. I’ve only read 1 book in my life. I don’t remember how I passed English in HS, but I’m pretty sure they just gave me a 65 to move me. That’s what they do in NYC. </p>

<p>By the way, even though I did not attend the school in the winter and slept when I was in school, I still wrote better than half the class. My schools demograph was about 5 percent white, 5 percent trini/carribean 45 percent hispanic and 50 percent black. I usually scored 90+ in subjective classes(math), when I didn’t hookey, and bombed objective classes.</p>

<p>5+5+45+50 = 105</p>

<p>something is not right bro</p>



<p>I know you’re an engineering major, but what about the general education requirements you need to complete your AA and to satisfy your transfer school??</p>

<p>I’m not a big fan of outside scholarships since: if you need a large amount of money, they are very competitive and your odds are extremely small; the local scholarships where you have a better chance, tend to be for small amounts (1k and less) and only for 1 year.</p>

<p>Most outside and institutional scholarships are for entering freshmen. But there are schools with merit aid for transfers. Do a Search on the Transfer Students subforum and check all of your in-state colleges. Are you Phi Theta Kappa?</p>

<p>My bad on the math, but even if I summed it to 100% it still wouldn’t be accurate. It’s just a ball park. I know there had to be at least 1 asian kid there. </p>

<p>entomom, thanks for the reply. I’ve already completed the non Math-Sci requirements. Eng 1, just required short stories to be read. The book I read was in a remedial English class in Bronx CC. To transfer I need CHM 1 of 2, Calc I, II, III, Physics and Labs I, II, Differential Equations. I’ve only did chemistry and calculus I so far. Should have completed the rest by end of summer term. </p>

<p>Everyone tells me don’t worry, you are smart and Spanish. There’s millions of scholarships out there for you. Maybe there’s dozens I qualify for. But I can’t really find the ones that aren’t reaches. I’m not PTK.</p>

<p>I think your best bet is the school you want to transfer to. FastWeb will find a lot of $500 scholarships which are handy but they aren’t what you need. The school you transfer to should provide more significant $$$.</p>

<p>Thanks PAV. I didn’t list schools but here they are: UF instate GT and Cornell. I think I can get a Full scholarship at UM, but they aren’t the best for engineering, and maybe not a good push for the graduate schools I want to go to. Columbia, Cornell, Baruch, NYU… (for MFE or finance math)</p>

<p>Cornell meets 100% of need with a very high percentage coming in the form of grants and scholarships. I don’t know if that applies to transfer students as well. Browse Admissions page. It looks like there is some additional information for transfer students: [Cornell</a> university - Financial Aid](<a href=“http://www.finaid.cornell.edu/]Cornell”>http://www.finaid.cornell.edu/)</p>



<p>Red flag. Most people aren’t very informed about the actual ins and outs of current day college admissions. They either remember ‘how it was’ a generation ago, or their source of knowledge are sound bites from the popular press.</p>

<p>Is UM U of Miami??</p>

<p>Just a note…while you will face a different admissions process for schools like Cornell as a non-traditional, they’re still insanely selective Ivy’s. I’d maybe look at some lower tier schools that you have a better shot at getting in + getting money.</p>

<p>entomom, you are exactly right. In fact, I don’t even know the ins and outs of this business. I’m saying this because I know a lot about many things. I spent my life researching about everything on the internet. U of Miami [All</a> Data by Institution - University of Miami](<a href=“http://www.mdc.edu/asa/popups/institution_um.asp]All”>All Data by Institution - University of Miami) </p>

<p>modestan, I know Cornell is a reach, but I’m 80% sure I can keep my math & sci GPA at 4.0. </p>

<p>Thanks for your replies. </p>

<p>Since most of you agree that the funding comes from the college, which engineering schools are great and offer scholarships. I know UF is a teir 1 national university which may not mean much, but it isn’t tier 1 engineering. It hovers in the 20s and 30s.
GT is a top engineering school, and so is Cornell.
I don’t think I would have a problem getting employed at TI or similar company with a degree from UF, but I want to study computational finance in a northeastern school. Actually Baruch or Columbia to be exact. Which are tier 1 in Financial Engineering. </p>

<p>I know the tiers may be confusing but for Engineering rank 1-10 is a tier 1, for MFE ranks 1-5, 5-10, … For national would be 1-100. Elite would be the ivies, MIT, stanford. </p>

<p>The point is, that most of the good jobs for MFE would be given to tier 1 and some tier 2 students. </p>

<p>I will do what’s possible to get to the top. It’s no big deal, life goes on. FSU is a state school with excellent staff in that field and is tier 4. That being worst case scenario. I’m happy and not stressing, but if I can do better, I want to know. That’s why I came here. I get good grades, because I find math and programming easy, I don’t work anymore, and I’m treating my LD.</p>