I don't like Miami because...

<p>So this is a thread I saw in another forum and I'd thought I'd like to copy the idea to help us decide on which school to go to. So let it begin! Feel free to add in a like section too!</p>

<p>um…so you started a thread for people to trash Miami so it will help people decide whether to go there or not? right…</p>

<p>Because the weather is SO horrible. I mean, really? Who likes sunny days near 70 degrees in the middle of winter? And the classes? So small. I mean, who wants to get to know their professor now-a-days? I wish I could just be a number… and living near a big city? Terrible! I hate having lots of things to do both on campus and off campus. What a horrible school.</p>

<p>( if you didn’t catch on)</p>

<p>…because the football stadium is off campus and we have to drive there and it therefore affects how much we can drink during the tailgates.</p>

<p>That’s my complaint.</p>

<p>can anyone comment on the student body? Are there a lot of people that are down to earth? I don’t want to end up at a school with TOO many snobby, shallow, kids. </p>

<p>another question. Miami is known for its night life/ party scene but I hear that there are no parties on campus whatsoever. Does that mean I have to wait until I’m 21 to go clubbin? lol</p>

<p>I am also a potential UM student and have fear of the student body A_Procrastinator. However, it’s diverse and it’s just something we have to deal with, YES there are going to be shallow/snobby people but that’s given for a private school. YES there are tons of down to earth students. You’re going to get kids from all spectrum’s attending UM but it shouldn’t fear you out of joining college, if Miami has something you would want go for it and take it. You won’t know until you take a dive into it anyways.</p>

<p>As for Miami life and party scene, there are frat parties that i have heard of, but there are things to do other than party at clubs and what not. I can’t comment on anything else because well, i don’t go to the place haha, but i have the same problems that you are scared of.</p>

<p>It’s Miami! There’s a billion things to do. I’ll be a freshman next year, but I live right down the street and I am no clubber whatsoever. I don’t even know where these clubs are. But I still love the social life around Miami. Plus there’s a Miccosukee gaming casino and you just have to be 18 to go, and they have 7 dollar steak and lobster, and I’m planning in hitting that up with fellow hurricanes next year. </p>

<p>There are plenty of shenanigans to get into besides clubbing.</p>

<p>@mangoman23 - Yeah I’m sure we’ll be fine. Miami is far, far from me (CA) so I’m definitely considering all the factors, people one of the more important ones imo. </p>

<p>@ november1991 Sweeeet. I’m not really a party person myself but I do enjoy the nightlife atmosphere. Glad to hear that there’s tons of stuff to do besides fist-pumping, haha. (p.s.- I was born nov. 22 '91, represent! lol)</p>

<p>guess i’m a cane</p>

<p>…because the football stadium is off campus and we have to drive there and it therefore affects how much we can drink during the tailgates.</p>

<p>That’s my complaint.</p>

<p>But don’t students get in free unlike other schools like UF and FSU.</p>

<p>Students do get in free… to all sporting events, in fact, except for women’s basketball. But it’s still annoying how far the stadium is from campus.</p>

<p>The games are free and there are free shuttles to and from the games.</p>

<p>@A_Procrastinator - although it is a felony in Florida, lots of kids at UM do use fake ID’s to get into the clubs in South Beach and drink at Coconut Grove. It’s true that there is not much night life on campus, but there are also frat parties and house parties nearby. The student body does have it’s share of shallow/snobby people, but other students and parents on this site claim that they have found some down to earth people, my son did not find many so I guess everyone has a different experience.</p>

<p>Students get in for free to Women’s basketball as well. Rankinr, you may be referring to the semi-finals of the NIT which people had to pay for, but otherwise the games are free and usually have some good incentives for showing up.</p>