Applicants BEWARE You're in for a SCARE!

<p>The social life at U is horrible. There are no house parties, no campus parties, no nothing. The same thing happens every week. Sarah, Britney, and Kelly put on their high heels, grab their posh gucci purses, and jam in a cab to Coral Gables. There they dance with Miguel and Juan until three and head back to the dorms in a cab. The guys stand no chance (not that they want to with them New York chicks) and resort to watching TV and studying all day. Football games suck and the Greek life is horrible. Coral Gables isn't a college town.</p>

<p>No house or campus parties? whhattt??? =[</p>

<p>wow i havnt been on this site in forever and am i glad i came back. Dude all i have to say is that your a loser. Im a freshmen here at miami and i love it. you obviously go to fsu or somin man. to all you interested in the U disregard this idiot. ive partied at some of the supposedly big parties schools like ASU, FSU for example and the U trumps them all. If you have any questions let me kno.</p>

<p>ok everyone don't listen to this kid he/she has no idea what the heck is going on. you definately need to go to uf and see what the parties are like there. the univ. of miami has no social scene outside of coconut grove thats for sure. got any problems with that and we can discuss things outside hecht some day</p>

<p>whats your definition of a good party?? just seeing how much beer you can drink?? I sure hope you don't go to school here anymore.</p>

<p>This is a very funny thread. Miami is where kids from all over want to vacation. When I studied there at the law school, there were lots of things to do.
The girls were hot! They had great facilities for athletics and working out, not to mention the great weather.There were lots of parties and events both just before and after sports games. Thus, if I were to rate places in the country that I would consider to be socially great plus have strong academics, Miami would be in the top ten.</p>

<p>Check the Wikipedia definition of a TROLL.</p>

<p>wow stop straying from what I was originally talking about...there are no houseparties here...I know like seriously three cool people...the rest of the kids here think they are cool hence they go to south beach or coconut grove...I was just saying that if you want a college environment with college parties don't come to UM...and yes I will hopefully be leaving</p>

<p>ok..listen to yourself. and checking your posts...this is your first thread. did you seriously come all the way to CC to post that miami U has no parties? from what i hear, it's one of the biggest party unis in the nation...and for your info...if you're leaving U miami because there aren't enough BIG parties..then seriously..why are you even IN college? to get laid? </p>

<p>I have a better idea...why don't you leave U miami, f.u.c.k college, and go bar hop for the rest of you life...cos that's all you seem interested in.</p>

<p>Where are you headed? From what I know, UM seems to be a mix of people. Yes, there are the type of people you are describing. There are also a great deal of other types of people, you may just have to look a little harder. If you join clubs, get involved on campus, volunteer work, ect. you will see that UM has a very diverse population with some pretty cool people. Lots of really smart kids on scholarships too that take their school work seriously. Don't limit your social life to parties or the lack thereof. </p>

<p>I'm sorry you've been disappointed, UM has a lot to offer but it isn't for everyone. I hope you find what you are looking for if you leave.</p>

<p>How in the world did you get in U Miami?
you sound like a loser. UM is a great school, people would go to distances to get in. Please, leave the school let someone more deserving take your place.</p>

<p>wow ok if any applicant to the U reads this thread, who are they going to little to: Mr. Potatohead, sunny Fla (obviously you are from New York like the rest of the kids here and have never seen the sun), etc... A good party is at an offcampus house with lots of beer and hot chicks (not from NJ or NY); it is def. not at frickin Coconut Grove...if you are looking for a good party don't come here...I partied all the time in HS and haven't been to one good party here it sucks</p>

<p>the U: it seems apparent that you do drink all the time because your writing is not legible. Fun is extremely important, but there is a difference between partying and losing thousands of brain to alcohol.
Mimami is definitey a great school and I am serious when I mean you don't deserve a spot there.</p>

<p>I agree with Potatohead. Drinking 24/7 is uncool.</p>

<p>After working so hard to get into a good college, it is sad, the U, that all is important to you is the drinking, partying etc.</p>

<p>I have to say that I agree with the U. I went to Miami for two years and I got sick of the partying. The school itself is not very social. People go off campus to party. The house parties are pretty blah but if you like clubbing, then it's the school for you.</p>

<p>This school has so much more to offer than just partying, and it's a shame if campus parties play such a major role in the college selection process. I encourage all of you who are applying to take advantage of what UM has to offer academically (many of the professors here have amazing contacts and are generally more than willing to help you out), as well as extracurricularly. Student life and student activities are huge here, and for those willing to participate in more than just partying, they will certainly receive their money's worth. Getting involved will give you an equal to, if not better, education than that which you'll learn in a classroom.</p>

<p>All I am saying is you are applying to Miami, it really depends on the program you are applying to. Some programs are very competitive and others have less to be desired. </p>

<p>I also found it difficult to get involved and find your niche. I went Greek and that truly does help and oddly enough, Greek life at Miami isn't your typical Greek system. </p>

<p>Miami does have amazing facilities and offers their students a lot just research the school and program you are going into. Miami's gym is amazing, the weather is fantastic, it just depends on your program.</p>

<p>I love to club but not drink liker I love dancing haha.
I think that's actually a really neat concept that most parties are off campus b/c it's like if you WANT to party there's an area for you but for the non-partiers campus is generally ok (at least so the rumors say.)</p>

<p>Freshman here to.... after a smester at UM:
A) Love it!
B) There are house parties though most are with frats andif you dont pledge its sorta hard to find them (if your a guy. girls get in anywhere) but even then there is always a few going on during the weekends.
C) Clubbing does override house parties. if you are a girl then its great cuz you will most liekly get into most places. a guy, It may be harder and thus you will need a fake in most cases.
D) There has not been one weekend were I have not found something to do. If you cannot find anything to do here then you will have a tough time anywhere.</p>