I don't qualify for work-study. Can I apply for an on-campus job during the SPRING?

<p>First off, is there such thing as jobs on campus that aren't work-study?
Secondly, is it possible to find jobs in the Spring, or is everything year-based (thus hiring in the Fall)?</p>

<p>I'm a transfer that doesn't qualify for work-study and a cadet which means I cannot participate in any activities during the Fall.</p>

<p>There are a few places on campus that hire non work-study students throughout the year. The two I can think of off the top of my head are dining services and the bookstore (check their website mid-fall semester for Rush applications for the spring, the sooner you apply the better). I had friends who got jobs at both places when they applied at the end of last fall semester. Last year, I read that Squires preference to work-study students but they may hire non work-study this year.</p>

<p>Also be sure to check the Hokies4Hire and VT jobs websites midway through the fall semester, they will probably list more places that could be hiring for the spring.</p>

<p>Anyone else know of places that hire non work-study students (not just on campus)? I got work-study last year but not this year even though my EFC went down :(</p>

<p>thank you! the bookstore is one i’d like to look into. and squires.</p>

<p>yeah, i’m an out of state transfer and they gave me all loans, which i expected. but what i wasn’t expecting was the absence of a work-study option. so my next best step is to take an on-campus job, but it has to be after fall semester because i’m doing the corps first sem and we aren’t allowed to do anything except corps + school til then.</p>

<p>thank you for your response! i really appreciate it. i will look into H4H.</p>

<p>No problem! It seems like only people with really, really low EFCs got work-study this year (mine is less than 2000, and i thought that would be low enough).</p>

<p>I don’t know if you’d be open to off campus jobs, but the math empo takes applications again at the end of the fall semester, but it seems pretty difficult to get a job there unless you’re lucky. The student calling center by the empo also hires year round. Just in case you are interested, those are a few more places to apply or look into!</p>

<p>aah i could never help at the empo bc i suck at teaching math LOL. do you know if i can take a work-study job even though i don’t qualify for one? as in…i’ll get paid as a regular hourly-wage student employment position? the $$ just don’t go towards my tuition and instead in my pocket.</p>

<p>I qualify for work study next year, thanks to my EFC of zero (the lowest possible). I decided to be preemptive and use Hokies4Hire to see if I can start applying for jobs by this fall. You don’t need work study to use Hokies4Hire, so I suggest you check it out.</p>

<p>In most cases, you probably can’t take a work study job since the place you’re working gets funding from the government to pay you. However, there are some places that take both work-study and wage students (like dining services, the admissions office did so last year as well), so it wouldn’t hurt to call some places that hire work-study and ask if they take non work-study as well.</p>

<p>Also the empo hires lab operators, which are the people who just check students in/out. No math involved, you basically just sit at the front desk and scan IDs for people leaving/entering. But then again, it’s a hard job to get cuz it’s so popular haha.</p>

<p>Also, just fyi, the work-study award does not get applied to tuition, it goes straight to the student, just like any other worker. The only difference being that a student has a set amount that they can earn from working, and once they run out, it’s up to the employer if they will continue giving hours to work.</p>