I don't want to do homework, so I made a chances thread.

<p>I'm applying ED I. Hopefully I don't leave anything important out.</p>

<p>Thanks for reading.</p>

Midwest (I don't want to get too specific, but there won't be a geographical diversity hook)
Large, very competitive public high school where I have taken the most difficult classes
GPA doesn't translate well, and class rank is not provided, but I think this is about my percentile:
ACT: 35
AP Calc BC: 5
AP English Language: 5
AP US History: 5</p>

National Merit Semifinalist
I'm not really sure what it's called, but it's some certificate for doing well in a National Spanish Exam. I've gotten it every year in high school.
Spanish Honor Society (11th grade)
Top Physics Student (9th grade)
Leadership award in gym</p>

Cross country (9-11)
Ultimate Frisbee (9-12, I quit cross country to focus on this...I'll play in college)
Head Youth Baseball Umpire in our region
Community service: nothing special, but I've done a decent amount of it all 4 years
Music: I'm not good enough to have a supplement
Piano ages 4-13
Trumpet in school band and privately ages 12-18</p>

<p>Work experience:
Election judge (only did it once)
Golf Caddy: 40 hours/week for the last 3 summers</p>

<p>I am not worried about my grades and test scores, but at a huge and competitive high school like mine, it is nearly impossible to be the head of anything. Furthermore, activities are so time-consuming that playing a sport means you can't be in any other extracurriculars during the season. Therefore, a school with a more holistic approach to admissions such as Pomona may not see me as such an interesting person. I am afraid that Pomona would take a slightly less qualified (test score-wise) student from a small high school who was class president, editor of the newspaper, and on multiple varsity sports, etc.</p>

<p>I know it is extremely difficult to predict an admissions decision for Pomona, but I would appreciate any responses.</p>

<p>I’d think you are a strong candidate. It just gets so hard to predict when the acceptance percentage is so low.</p>