i enjoy collecting rocks and looking at black ants...

<p>Guten Tag! This is my first time posting my stats at CollegeConfidential and I am a little nervous about doing this but screw it. What are my chances? I vant to go (in order of prefrence): Princeton (vill apply early), Columbia, Northvestern, U. of Michigan, and Oregon State University (OSU 4eva!). </p>

<p>GPA: 3.7 (My English is not 2 good since I moved from Germany)
Rank: 13/400ish because of those damned overachievers (btw, i support publik edukateion)
PSAT Commended or Semifinalist
New SAT: second try 2290 (800 M, 760 W, 750 V), first try 1840
SAT IIs: 760 (Math II), 800 (German), 740 (Biology)
APs: Physics B (5), German (5), Chemistry (3)
Quite rigorous courseload with 4 AP's senior year</p>

Water Polo (JV, vill make varsity this year)
Crew (one year, hellish experience waking up so early in mornings)</p>

Yearbook co-editor
Founder and Prezident of the "Wildlife Club" at my school
Regional winner and national finalist in the EPA's "Save the Animals" essay contest
Zoology Camp at Oregon Zoo (summer of 9th)
Currently I have a summer Internship at Oregon Zoo (I vant to be a zoologist) researching a rare disease of the Ornithorhynchus Anatinus (duck-billed platypus)
I play the bass pretty well in a band and will send a CD of my skillz
Third place in sausage eating competition at the Northwest Oregon OctoberFest '04 (I will not mention this is the actual application but this will be the subject of my essay most likely)</p>

Not a legacy, not a minority, not dirt poor, not very rich, nothing really except that I am from Germany and tri-lingual (I study Spanish in school), i vill have pretty good recommendations at least</p>

<p>Tell me what you think!</p>

<p>try columbia early maybe. SEAS has a VERY high acceptance rate.</p>

i enjoy collecting rocks and looking at black ants...


<p>I posted that info about myself several times already.</p>