I Feel Dumb

<p>To all those smartie pants</p>

<p>I have problems in school, no I don't lack intellectual ability, on the contrary. I am having troble with time management and the like?? Can you guys tell me where to get help?? I need soooo much help!!!!</p>

<p>theres books that help w/time management.</p>

<p>here's a start if you're running out of time:</p>

<pre><code>maybe you should get off CC



<p>Which books? Whjat type of books? Do they and how do they work???</p>

<p>i've never read any but here:</p>

<p><a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/index%3Dstripbooks%26field-keywords%3Dtime%252520management%26store-name%3Dbooks/002-1888767-6747223%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/index%3Dstripbooks%26field-keywords%3Dtime%252520management%26store-name%3Dbooks/002-1888767-6747223&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>i think prioritizing is a big thing too.</p>

<p>7 Habbits of Highly Effective Teens!
Its a great book. It was a text book in one of my classes. And if you read it, faithfully, and do as it says, it will help! I promise!
And yes, you may want to start by getting off the computer, limit computer time, I do!</p>

<p>time management can be really hard, especially if you go from being laid-back to really busy, it's pretty important to choose which things have to be done right away, and push things back of least importance, also, it helps me to check things off so i feel accomplished after finnishing something.</p>

<p>What helps me: </p>

<li><p>Prioritize. Think, "What has to be done NOW" and do it now. Do the more important things first. </p></li>
<li><p>Work before play. The old adage is true. When you get home from school, do your homework THEN and not after dinner and a few rounds of Halo. Train yourself. Say, "If I do this now then I get Halo!" Use relaxing activities as rewards for doing work. </p></li>
<li><p>Get someone to help. Tell your mom, "Mom, I've GOT to have this report done by Friday. Nag me every day until it's done." That is a REAL pain but it works.</p></li>

<p>@ DataBox: this one's older</p>

<p>hahahaha a literally loled at vancat</p>

@ DataBox: this one's older



<p>SOMEONE'S searching his username! ;]</p>

SOMEONE'S searching his username! ;]


...or reading through the first five pages of HSL</p>

<p>lol, both are equally pathetic :D</p>

<p>i don't get it</p>

<p>What do you have trouble getting done? Homework? Projects? </p>

<p>Basically, you have to shut everything down that distracts you and have someone else hold them hostage for a bit. It's like Jack Black in Tropic Thunder; you've gotta be tied up until the addiction passes through. (I'm assuming, of course, that as a CC-er, you're distracted by the Internet, the computer in general, and video games.) Then create schedules, day by day. I used to make lists of everything I needed to do in a week, but then I'd still procrastinate. Instead, make a timeline for the day (ie 3-3:15 SNACK, 3:20-3:45 BIO WRKST) and follow it. It gives you a reasonable idea of what can be accomplished in a day so you know when to feel successful and when to work harder. Get a buddy to do it with you, if all else fails. Sometimes I get my friends to call me when we both should be halfway done with a paper. That way, we get a 20 minute break to clear our heads, and if we haven't done as much as we should have, we get that reality check.</p>

<p>it's older than other one. I can't explain, it was 5 days ago.</p>

7 Habbits of Highly Effective Teens!


<p>nyse spehling of theh werd "habits."</p>