I forgot that I was accepted to Uchicago and Johns Hopkins

<p>I applied to so many damn schools becuase I freaked when I was deferred from Columbia. Yes, I actually did forget of these acceptances. I was between barnard and NYU and loovoeeee the city.</p>

<p>Would I be crazy to pick NYU or Barnard over UChicago or JHU?</p>

<p>Either studying econ (which I know Uchicago is great for, and I love that they're conservative) or neuroscience (JHU is also awesome for this)</p>

<p>I know these are completely different but I'm doing my ISP with a neurosurgeon and don't want to go to a school just based on pre med then drop out.</p>

<p>UChicago gets my vote, but no you wouldn’t be crazy</p>

<p>I never visited. And not to go off hearsay (but I have heard this from a number of people, and the one person I know that went to UChicago is a genuis but the biggest sorry, nerd, I’ve ever met), but yes I’ve heard Uchicago students are of the nerdiest ever.</p>

<p>you’ll find nerds at any good school. i don’t think UChicago is too nerdy. Swarthmore, Carnegie Mellon, and MIT are examples of real nerdy schools.</p>

<p>What can you tell me about Uchicago?</p>

<p>probably not much that you don’t already know. i suggest asking around here if you haven’t already: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-chicago/[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-chicago/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>all i kno is that it’s urban, got the core, very rigorous, and the friends i have who go there like it.</p>

<p>lol, I was a premed drop out at Hopkins (proud of it!)… not because of the GPA (my GPA is fine), it’s because I want to do health care administration and eventually do health care consulting in the future. Plan to get an MPH/MBA later in life. Hopkins offers the best MPH program in the country so that is an addition plus for me.</p>

<p>Premed drop outs are fine. I have friends who could have easily gotten into Harvard med (ridiculously smart ppl) that decided to quit premed and start his own neuromarketing firm AND consulting firm and I am joining him right now…He is ridiculously smart… :P</p>

<p>It’s understand to fear dropping out of premed at JHU… There are options outside of graduate and medical school. No really… I’m not kidding. You have options in front of you. Don’t feel you are choosing Hopkins just because of the premed program… it offers a lot more than just the premed program.</p>

<p>Take it from me… Don’t do premed unless you are passionate about medicine… or else your life will be miserable… and you will find yourself contemplating suicide… seriously. Medical school grind is tough… and if $ is the primary reason why you want to become a doctor… your ***</p>

<p>Chicago would be crazy to pass up unless NYU gives u more money to go.</p>

<p>No financial aid anywhere…
Haha, and Phead…once Obama socializes health care, I feel that med school might become alot less competitive :wink:
Money isn’t a factor in my decision for college or becoming a doctor.</p>

<p>The physician lobbying groups are very powerful… I think Obama will find it to be very tough to reign in physician autonomy in a socialized healthcare setting, redistributing incentive reimbursements from expensive specialists to primary care physicians… all this ton of stuff…</p>

<p>You are right, it’s going to be a lot easier to become a primary care doctor. Obama is not going to socialize healthcare… He isn’t God…</p>

<p>Chicago’s student body isn’t conservative (just some of the economics professors).</p>

<p>I know my D would still choose Barnard over any of your choices. She has been very, very happy there. However, unlike you, she didn’t apply to Columbia. </p>

<p>She chose Barnard over Brown because she knew she wanted to be in NYC, and the city has played a major role in her life.</p>

<p>If you want to work in NY after you graduate, you will get more connections by going to school in the city.</p>

<p>If your goal is to attend THE most respected colleged, then maybe you should reconsider Chicago and Hopkins.</p>

<p>Good luck with your decision.</p>

<p>well it must’ve felt really good when you realized!
i had to chose between nyu and barnard for this fall also. and i chose barnard. let me know when you’ve made your decision though. i’d really like to hear it. thanks!</p>

<p>We’re talking about 4 years of your life. Get on a plane, train, bus or car, and visit Chicago. I don’t know how you can be comfortable with your decision if you don’t.</p>

<p>Definitely visit Chicago. I was pretty set on attending but had never visited, now I’m having doubts.</p>

<p>Nerdy as they are, students at the University of Chicago have become more mainstream as the echo boom has created overflow from the Ivy League and the admissions rate has dropped from 70% toward 30%. Believe me, there was never a policy to enroll nerds, but if you don’t have the applicants, well…
Chicago undergraduates are also a lot smarter than they were ten years ago. I think that if I had to pick a school where the academic and social experience was the closest to Chicago, it would be Columbia. The students are also very, very similar, IMO.</p>

<p>Johns Hopkins is very similar to UChicago in academics. In fact, the University of Chicago was modeled almost exactly after the Johns Hopkins Research-University model, and afterwards, other schools like Harvard, Stanford, Cornell, etc followed similar methods. </p>

<p>In terms of pros, both Chicago and Hopkins have standout qualities.</p>

<p>Chicago has the wonderful, but rigorous core curriculum.
Hopkins will give undergrads the most opportunities to conduct real research as nearly 80% of the undergrad pop eventually does, easily one of the highest rates in the country. </p>

<p>You will just have to visit both schools in order to fully make the right decision as Chicago and Hopkins are both phenomenal and elite schools, just as good as the likes of Columbia, Penn, Cornell, Dartmouth, and Brown, to say the least. Visit both and make sure you are making the right choice.</p>