<p>I promised myself I wouldn't do this, but I give up....could I get some input on my chances? I'm a junior considering applying ED next year and I want to get an idea. </p>
<p>Here are my stats:</p>
<p>White male from suburban public school in MA
Weighted GPA is 4.713 as of last year, probably closer to 4.8 this year
I'm unsure of how to calculate unweighted GPA...I've heard about 100 ways to do so. If it is 4 for As and 3 for Bs, then I have a 4.0, but if it is calculated differently I would appreciate input on how to do so.</p>
<p>SAT I: 2300 (one sitting if it matters)
CR: 800
Math: 790
Writing: 710</p>
Soph Year: US History (5)
Junior Year: Currently taking AP Eng Lang; AP Bio, and AP European History
Senior Year: planning to take...
AP English, AP French, AP Calc, AP Chem, and Honors Physics (we don't offer AP)</p>
<p>If it matters I am considering a degree in Chemical engineering.</p>
My biggest EC is band; I play the clarinet and have done so for 6 years. I play constantly: I am the principal in Honors Concert Band (a class in school), the Wind Ensemble (an extracurricular select group); I play for the pit orchestra in the musical; I was 2nd chair in the band for Central Districts, and I was recently accepted to All State Band. I would guess that I play probably 15+ hours a week (including band class). </p>
<p>Another big one is Boy Scouts. I have recently been unable to attend because of Wind Ensemble, but when I can I go to almost every event. I am very involved in the leadership of the troop: I have served as Senior Patrol leader for multiple terms. I am close to earning my Eagle Scout; I will have done so by my ED application next year.</p>
<p>Kind of attached to Boy Scouts is Junior Leadership Training Conference, a purely scout lead leadership seminar that lasts a week. I attended this and was on staff twice; the second year I was ASPL (2nd in command for those of you who don't know Boy Scout acronyms). It was a very time intensive but leadership building activity. </p>
<p>JSA: I have been involved in this club for two years, heavily for only this year. I am the club's treasurer and webmaster (<a href="http://www.ashlandjsa.org%5B/url%5D">www.ashlandjsa.org</a> if you're interested, i'm proud of it). I spend probably 5 or so hours a week, way more when conferences are nearby. </p>
<p>I am also a member of the Academic Decathlon team and NHS, but those are kind of minor. I spent a lot of time on Acadec when it was the season and I spend a couple hours a week tutoring for NHS, but they are nothing major.</p>
<p>Finally, I work 20 hours a week :eek: at CVS. </p>
<p>I'm sorry for the terrible length....I got kind of carried away. I would appreciate any comments, as well as input to some other schools I'm interested in: Dartmouth, Cornell, Northwestern, Yale, and Brown. </p>