I got a C+ soph yr, should I explain it in my app? It truly was b/c of the teacher

<p>My sophomore honors english class I got a B first sem and a C+ second semester. I know people have used the teacher as a scape goat before, but in this case it truly was because of her. She repeatedly insulted me and punished me for apparently no reason, she even gave the class points for watching a movie "because [cman8123] wasn't paying attention, but the rest of you were." </p>

<p>This C+ is the only grade below an A- that I have received since first semester sophomore year, my junior year I got a 3.85 and cumulatative I have a 3.769, and I might get a 4.0 my first semester this senior year. </p>

<p>Should I address this in my University of Washington App? Say something about how i decided to persevere through this situation. I would NOT blame the teacher in this paragraph or so I would include in my app, but I would address the fact that she seemed to be completely sexually biased and that I learned something from this experience. again, I would not write this app to blame the teacher for my poor grade, but just to let the college know it was uncharacteristic and let them know that I'm aware and not going to blame the teacher. </p>

<p>ty in advance</p>

<p>Your cum is 3.769? Whew, now I feel less pressured for when I send in my app to the UW. Thanks!</p>

<p>Oh and tell your teacher to **** off.</p>


<p>that’s a HORRIBLE idea, college’s will never look well on anything that seems like an excuse for a grade - unless it’s truly out of your control like illness and such. If you have a problem with the teacher talk to the counselor or administration.</p>

<p>mephisto, my guidance counselor was the one who suggested I include a paragraph explaining the circumstances… this is why i’m torn.</p>

<p>Your “guidance counselor” should have fired that idiot teacher then</p>

<p>Tell the counselor to put it in her report.</p>

<p>agree with hmom5</p>

<p>My sophomore honors english teacher was a ***** too. She hated all her male students (especially the ones who were good at english) and did her best to humiliate us whenever possible. So… er, I relate.</p>

<p>^ tell GC to put it in a report. And btw, GC probably can’t fire teachers.</p>

<p>I agree. Maybe you should ask the counselor to mention it in detail, but I don’t think it should come from yourself. The opinions of a third party observer noticing a victim of the system may tell them more than an apparently self-defensive applicant using up his/her precious app space to defend his/her honor. </p>

<p>I truly understand… the demented system of public education allows the worst to stay on their jobs and the best to never get hired…</p>

<p>I don’t think you need to address it at all. One C+ sophomore year with an excellent overall GPA is not a deal breaker. It clearly is an outlier on your excellent transcript.</p>

<p>I would not even have yoru GC mention it. You have an excellent gpa for U-Dub, so why call attention to one bad semester grade. So you teacher was sexually biased (whatever that means)? Perhaps the app reader is too…</p>

<p>Many people would say don’t mention it, although if you feel it’s a need… or you can clear it better than your counsler, than if you wan’t to mention it in a decent way then why not.</p>

<p>don’t my AP US history teacher was like that. Hardest class. ever. I got 4’s and 5’s on DBQ’s consistently (17-19/25)… hated him, </p>

<p>and also, I wrote some rather… conservative minded assignments in Honors English this year during the election (I am not personally), but my English teacher had an Obama pin and was all super liberal… I think that is why I am not doing all too well on the open-minded assignments…</p>

<p>If you got a B one semester and a C+ another, doesn’t that average out to a year-long grade of B-? If so, then the whole situation is even less worthy of mention. Wouldn’t have anyone bring it up - unless you are a genius writer, any way you try to portray it would sound like whining/blaming (and your op is a good example of that) (not of whining/blaming, but of how it’s gonna sound like it no matter what disclaimers you put on it).</p>

<p>wilmeister amen to that, I got B’s throughout the year in my AP US history class because the teacher didn’t like the fact that I was conservative minded… on the first paper he gave me an 87 and I got that grade throughout the ENTIRE course on every assignment… WHAT.</p>

<p>Don’t complain yourself. Let your GC handle it, and don’t bring it up unless an interviewer brings it up. It’s pretty immature to make excuses regardless of their validity. Even if the dog really DID eat your homework, it still sounds silly.</p>

<p>the thing is that i’m not having my counselor write a rec, the UW doesnt require any recs… It might be too late to ask too.</p>