I got a D in my AP Stats first semester of my senior year

I got a D in my AP Stats class first semester of my senior year… This is disappointing. Although I passed the minimum requirement of a 3.0 weighted and have completed all of my a-g courses, I heard that I could also be rescinded from my admissions because of a D. Is this true? Is there anyone who got a D first semester senior year and still went to a UC or even a CSU? Thank You

  1. Each applicant case is different, so just because some other applicant got a D in a class and was not rescinded, does not mean you will not.
  2. Work with your GC to come up with a plan and how you plan to take care of the D.
  3. Contact all the schools that you have applied and present your plan to them. Most schools do not want to rescind so they will try to work with you. The most importantly, be proactive and take the initiative in taking care of this problem ASAP. Good Luck.

Is there still hope for me?
I am already accepted to UC Riverside and Cal State Fullerton, Should I report to them as well

Yes, part of your provisional admission for UCR is that you need to maintain 3.0 weighted GPA and no D’s or F’s.

CSUF’s provisional admission is not D’s or F’s either, so you need to let them know about the D and what you plan to do. I like stated above, each applicant’s situation is different and most schools do not like to rescind, so see what admissions has to say and work with them. They may just put you on a watch to see how your 2nd semester grades are and if you can show improvement. If you let this go until you have to send in your Final Transcript, then they will rescind you.

Thank You so much! Last question, is it wise for me to drop the class or continue with it?

and would this effect my admissions if I reported it now?

If you think you cannot bring up that grade 2nd semester to a C, you should consider dropping the class. I would check with your GC for the best plan of action. Yes, the D will affect you admissions if you report now or later. By reporting it now, you may lessen the chance for being rescinded. The only way you will know is to contact admissions. If you have a reasonable explanation for the D, such as Illness or family problems, your GC could take the lead in explaining the situation. If it’s plain “Senioritis”, you will have to take your chances. Most schools will be reasonable and try to work with you. No one on CC can tell you what will happen, only admissions will be able to tell you your options.