<p>Can anyone give me any info on this dorm? Pros cons and generally what the room size is like. Its a double room. I am wondering what should I bring or leave at home. According to the site, the room comes with bed, desk, lamp, dresser.</p>
<p>Also should I contact my roommate before hand. I saw his facebook profile and we seems to be very different personality wise as well as race. Too early to tell I know, Should make an interesting year.</p>
<p>I’ve seen the Governors doubles - they have separate wall closets, beds loft to 34", the ones I saw had 2 windows. Size was cozy, but adequate if you don’t bring alot of extra furniture and use the underbed area for storage/fridge, etc. The lamp is a floor lamp, as I remember, and the rooms I saw seemed a bit dark. I would def bring a desk lamp too.</p>
<p>Since you can only have 1 fridge per room (and I think only one landline phone for oncampus/local calls?), you should probably email/friend your roommie to coordinate who’s bringing what. One of you could probably bring a floor rug - I would say 6x8 or 8x10 if you don’t want to walk on cold tiles. Also, if you’re going to want to use the floor kitchen you might want some cooking utensils. You can get alot of info from this:
<a href=“http://www.ub-housing.buffalo.edu/resguide.pdf[/url]”>http://www.ub-housing.buffalo.edu/resguide.pdf</a></p>
<p>Edit: If you’re not a fan of hard, vinyl-covered mattresses, I’d also suggest a good feather/memory foam topper!</p>
<p>Hey thanks for the info! You said windows…do I need curtains or blinds? I currently have a netbook , I think its enough for me to use doing school work and internet browsing, but my mother seems to think I should bring my desktop. I was just thinking of buying a 19inch flat panel tv and connect my netbook to it when I need a bigger screen to work with. I have a portable dvd reader and I could just attach a keyboard and mouse. That way I have both a tv and makeshift desktop. Any thoughts?</p>
<p>The rooms come with mini blinds. The ones we saw at orientation were black, not in the best condition, but serviceable. My D would want a spring-loaded cafe rod and curtains, but your tastes will dictate.</p>
<p>I think netbooks are becoming much more popular with students…but have no idea what you’ll actually need (D has a laptop). There are computers all over the place for student use. You could always call the folks at UBMicro, ask at orientation, or just go with the netbook and bring the desktop later if you need it and live within a reasonable driving distance. Parent’s Weekend is in October so you could tell mom you’ll let her know if you need it by then!</p>
<p>the rooms in govenors is way smaller, try moving to the ellicott complex instead!</p>
<p>Well I’ve heard Ellicot is noisier and more prone to trippling, so I’ll stick with Governors for now. As a computer science major doing 17 credits, I will be head deep in books im sure.</p>