<p>i am a straight A student in his class but he caught me looking up a word that i had to use in an essay. I wouldnt call it a major offense, but i still want him to trust me and understand that i am an honorable person. What can i do? Write a letter explaining the situation and formally apologize through that?</p>
<p>^ Apologize.
And take the annulation of your exam like a man.</p>
<p>letters are formal and don’t convey much feeling unless you write them really well. go talk to him contritely and when he sees you hang your head in shame he might believe you. it’s easier to hurt a bunch of words than a human being.</p>
<p>Screw letters… go up to him privately and sincerely apologize.</p>
<p>Were you trying to be sneaky or did you just whip out the dictionary at your desk?</p>
<p>Either way… I sympathize with you… I’ve always been encouraged to use dictionaries during my in-class essays… Hope he understands when you talk to him :(</p>
<p>Well did you know that you weren’t supposed to use dictionaries? Then go apologize. Don’t write a letter. And don’t do that again, that was stupid.</p>
<p>If you didn’t know, then surely it can’t be cheating, go talk to him about it.</p>
<p>“Ignorance of the law is no excuse”. One can always feign ignorance.</p>
<p>That being said, apologize, take your zero and learn from the experience.</p>
<p>Hopefully this will only lower the grade somewhat and not appear on your transcript as a cheating/honor code violation.</p>
<p>Your teacher’s opinion of the magnitude of the offense is all that really matters. I personally do not think this is tantamount to copying another student’s work or ,horror of horrors, plagiarism.</p>
<p>give up, the end is near</p>
<p>Speak to him in person, on his own time. Apologize for the offense and make no excuses.</p>
<p>“Give up, the end is near”</p>
<p>It is. Good luck, god almighty is casting an apocalypse on us.</p>
<p>[F***</a> My Life - ■■■ : Your everyday life stories.](<a href=“http://www.fmylife.com%5DF***”>http://www.fmylife.com)</p>
<p>Just go apologize to him and take a zero on the essay. I’m sure it’ll lower your grade, but if you work as hard as you say you do, you can probably even still hold an A</p>
<p>Lol, a dictionary? I haven’t used one of those since pre-Y2K. Sure you couldn’t have used a synonym? Did the prompt actually say, “Use this word: _____.”? Seems like kind of a silly reason to cheat.</p>
<p>Just apologize to him in person. I’m sure he realizes that you’re a good student but just made a bad mistake. Take the bad grade as I’m sure you can get it back up (this is assuming you’re a solid student as you mentioned you usually get an A in that class).</p>
Yea how do you just look up a word during an exam if you’re not supposed to? It’s not like you can just pull out a dictionary</p>
<p>If you are a straight A student in his class, this might mean you are a little too comfortable in his class and with him. That means you may have thought he would not mind, or just disregarded the instructions. </p>
<p>Just go and speak to him. No excuses</p>
<p>I think you should kill yourself it’s obviously the end of the world, you have no future, and NO COLLEGE WILL ACCEPT YOU.
Really, not a huge offense, apologize, and move on. Kids at my school cheat all the itme and never get caught…
A girl asks me questions during English while I just shake my head no, and others give her answers. Math class, my friend switches papers with another student. During World History Test I saw someone looking through their notebook.</p>
<p>Off-topic but this statement fails on so many levels, just sayin.</p>
<p>Simple apology to the teacher and take a zero. Don’t show the teacher that you’re weak because some mean teachers target weak students.</p>
<p>grovel on your knees ‘til u can’t no mo’.