I hate "chance me" topics, but I'm making one

<p>I <3 Wellesley!</p>

<p>I'm an American resident/citizen but I have a dual citizenship with Canada</p>

<p>GPA: 4.56 (honors and AP A's rated as 5, college prep A's rated as 4)
Class Rank: 18 out of 230ish</p>

Verbal 770
Math 730
Writing 740</p>

<p>SAT IIs:
Bio 730
Chem 730
French w/listening 780</p>

<p>My school only offers AP classes senior year; I'm taking AP French, AP English, and AP Calc BC.
I took:
4 yrs English
4 yrs history/social science
8 yrs language (4 French, 3 Spanish, 1 Latin)
4 yrs math
3 yrs science
4 yrs chorus electives
1 yr computer science electives</p>

Student government, 1 yr
French Club, 4 yrs (1 of them president)
Gay-Straight Alliance, 4 yrs (2 of them president)
Academic Decathlon, 3 yrs (2 of them assistant captain, 1 captain)
Archery, 1 yr
Horseback riding, 1 yr (but I had done it since I was 8)
Music theory class, 2 yrs
Private lessons:
- Voice, 4 yrs
- Guitar, 3 yrs
- Piano, 2 yrs
- Drums, 1 yr
Chorus, 4 yrs (3 of them secretary -- don't laugh)
A cappella, 2 yrs
Peer tutoring, 3 yrs (50+ hours)</p>

High Honor Roll, 4 yrs
English Achievement Award
French Achievement Award
Concert Choir Award
National French Exam National Laureate
National Honor Society
National Merit Scholarship Commended Student
George Eastman Young Leaders Award</p>

Camp Counselor, 2 yrs</p>

Spanish exchange
United States Youth Ensembles (European concert tour)</p>

I think my essays were pretty good. I let someone read my Common App one and she was raving about it. I tried very hard to show my passion for Wellesley in my supplement... I took it from the angle of that I want to be more poised/eloquent and Wellesley will help me find myself and be an adult.</p>

<p>I'm going to do an on-campus interview soon because I live in a town right next to Wellesley.</p>

<p>What do you guys think? What will my Early Evaluation letter say?</p>

<p>a little late, but you sound like you’re very well qualified for Wellesley! I also applied there early decision, how did yours go?</p>

<p>Your in. Don’t sweat. Chance me back please</p>