<p>I freaking failed everything especially the CR, this was my last chance to take too..</p>
<p>Ugh, it’s the worst feeling when you know you could have picked the right answer and you were going to, but you didn’t. I thought I did really well on Math, but apparently I got like half the answers wrong.</p>
<p>I really want to know what I got so I don’t have to spend an entire month worrying about it.</p>
<p>I thought I did well on grid-in until I came here. ■■■.</p>
<p>:( Sorry to hear</p>
<p>Yeah, it’s really a **** feeling to figure out that you just answered a math question wrong, found the right answer but can’t fix it because time gets called. Happened to me twice today.</p>
<p>@sqdwfe13: u said it. i couldve done so much better too. plus this was my last chance</p>
<p>Sorry, I laughed when I saw this post title.</p>
<p>I feel for you though, and I definitely get what you mean. I got F-ed too.</p>