<p>Whenever I do problems and practice tests in the blue book I get just about all the math questions right. I get the supposedly hard questions right all the time too. The problem I have is that I work slowly. All through school I work slowly even though I always do great in school. Any of you know how I can resolve this slow problem . Whenever I do the practice tests I always run out of time. I get through the cr sections with time to spare but not so with the math.
<p>lets see...practice like crazy. focusing on math..and time urself to the extreme....u might even want to put LESS time than that alloted...that way u can adjust quickly..also u might wanna sacrifice accuracy for speed...like ..if u can do a prob right..but u have to 'check' it ..and like plug-in...just skip that..and see wat happens...take risks...and see wat happens......</p>
<p>PS: U can also buy a TI-89 For Xtreme speed on some of the probs (eqns, etc)..depends on what takes u time though this may/may not help u alot..</p>