I have a question reguarding SAT subject tests

<p>I was interested in applying to NYU but have not taken the 2 required SAT subject tests so i was wondering if i would go about just sending in my ACT scores and not even bothering sending SAT, or do they need Subject test scores even if you don't send the SAT. Just let me know if i should even bother applying. I pretty much need to know the same thing about Boston College as well.</p>

<p>my act scores were
reading 30
english 30
math 27
science 26
essay was 8 but they say they don't look at it</p>

<p>They still need the 2 SAT subject tests even if you don't take the SAT. I would register for the december test date, and take two of them on that same day. I believe for the december date you get your scores december 25th, so you could have them before the RD deadline.</p>

<p>An admissions officer came to my school and he said that not taking the subject tests puts one at a large disadvantage.</p>

<p>It's not just NYU who requires SAT Subject tests, a lot of top colleges do as well. And if they don't require it, it's usually "highly recommended".</p>

<p>You should really consider taking it if you want to get into a good school, it's a good investment.</p>

<p>o ok thanks guys i didn't know i could take 2 on the same day. ya ill take 2 in December</p>

<p>You can take up to three actually, haha, it costs the same so why not. And on test day, if you're not feeling up to taking your third one, you can chose not to do it on the spot, no penalty.</p>

<p>so i see that NYU's deadline is Jan 1st now... so if i take the test december 6th how do i get the score to them in time for them to consider them?</p>

<p>Yeah of course, they'll get the results by the end of dec.</p>

<p>yeah, the scores will be available online on december 25h.</p>

<p>I completed the application a while ago and I guess I like read over the part where it said and I probbaly thought it said or… so now its december and I didnt take the SAT II’s … what should I do? Should I still take them January 25th and mail them late?</p>

<p>Hmm… Idk if they will get there in time. You better ask on the forums just to be safe.</p>

<p>[NYU</a> Admissions Bulletin Board - Powered by eve community](<a href=“http://nyu.infopop.cc/eve/forums/a/cfrm/f/7834033161]NYU”>http://nyu.infopop.cc/eve/forums/a/cfrm/f/7834033161)</p>

<p>posting in the forums takes a long time, u have to create an account and wait for approval.</p>

<p>Oh, yeah… True. You can try calling tomorrow, but I think it is going to be REALLY hectic there for the next few days.</p>

<p>ii have 3 bio, english && math butt my scores are pretty average :&lt;/p>