I have good stats [4.0, 1540, likely NMSF], but I am completely lost in the admissions process [PA resident, <$15k parent contribution, PSU and Pitt NPCs say too expensive]

Pitt NPC says that it is unaffordable, according to the OP:

Would a sufficient merit scholarship (not admission) at Pitt be a match or a reach?

Music supplement of 3 minutes, playing only, no speaking. If you play jazz or can do pit orch, clips of that type in addition to classical. This can help greatly, since schools want musicians for a vibrant arts scene.

If you can get a rec from your youth orch leader, that can help too. Submit up to two music recs, in addition to your two academic recs. Let schools know you intend to keep playing in college on campus.


@parentologist the OP wrote that they do not want to do a music supplement and have not done any solo work. What do you think? Will a supplement help? I feel we do not have enough information.

  • Principal Bassist in local youth orchestra (Traveled internationally to perform)
  • Bass player in pit orchestra in school musicals, as well as District and Regional orchestras.

Have you researched applying to honors colleges within larger public schools? In addition to preferential treatment for course registration and greater access to professors, these programs often come with substantial financial packages. Pitt offers honors programs for all of its majors. THE Ohio State has honors programs and I know people who received very healthy financial packages there.


No way to know. He and his teacher will have to make that decision.

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It’s still a reach, but Washington and Lee University is worth looking into. They have an extremely loyal and well connected network, and place many kids into finance. They have an undergraduate business school. They meet full need without loans. Plus you might be in the running for a Johnson Scholarship. 10% of every class gets one, and it’s a full ride – literally every expense paid – plus a stipend.


Maybe I missed this
but what can your family contribute to your college costs each year?

My EFC is around $15,000. I would say that is pretty accurate. I have pretty much been throwing out any schools whose annual net costs are greater than $30,000.

Thanks for the insights.
Could you elaborate more on what these clips should look like. I do have recordings of full ensemble performances, but none that focus on me. I have recordings of myself practicing impressive repertoire in all genres, but I am not performing it. I still have some months before I have to apply, so if I know exactly what they are looking for I can try to create a video. Thank you!

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Miami of Ohio Framer Business school is strong and might be a good safety for you. Someone with your stats will get a bunch of merit. My rising JR. daughter had 35ACT 4.0UW not near the EC’s you have and she got 38K a year and so I have basically been paying 15K a year for room and board.

Also they keep they keep tuition and costs the same from Freshman year, so no 3-5% increases every year. Beautiful campus about 17-18000 undergraduates. Give lots of credit for AP classes so you can have lots of flexibility in scheduling.

Good luck to you.


Thank you for the reply! I’ll check it out.

but it is Farmer, not Framer.

Sorry Sunday morning bad proof read

Here is a list of highly ranked schools that offer scholarships for strong students like you. Many of these have strong business schools.

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The problem is most of those schools give very few of those top scholarships. If you look at the common data set for each school you can see the number of non need scholarships and they are generally very limited. Arguably harder to some of those than Ivy admissions.


I know. The advertised “full ride scholarship” is like the $10 all-you-can-eat prime rib - someone got the deal, but when you show up they are already sold out. On the flip side, some of the Ivies are very generous with aid because they have huge endowments, but the problem is getting accepted even with a stellar academic record.

For a kid like this, their loss.


Yet there are many less prestigious schools that would love to have this student and would give a generous aid package.

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@brycec the “clip” for the supplement doesn’t need to be a performance, Most people record something. You can play an entire piece and cue 3 minutes. You don’t have to rent a studio or do anything fancy.

The music resume, if accepted, could include your roles in the youth orchestras, and school. You can list teachers, any travel or summer programs, even theory classes taken.

The letter or letters (1-2) doesn’t have to be just about talent but can refer to your work ethic, working with others, leadership, broad interests, whatever applies.

This is very helpful. Thank you!