I have no idea what I want to major in

I go to Michigan State and my GPA isn’t the best (2.3/2.4) I want in originally wanting to get a PhD in psychology but I’m not sure if that’s really what I want anymore. My other choices were either nursing (which I can’t get into, I’d need a 3.8+) or business (I’d need a 3.5).

I don’t really have any passions and I mostly care about is something that has good job placement and where I can get a job easily. I don’t want to transfer schools because I love it here and it feels like a second home, but I wish I knew what I wanted to do. Currently I am no perference but thinking of going into HRLR (human resources and labor relations) with a psychology or economics minor.

Edit : my interests are foreign languages and culture (I took french last semester and 3 years of Spanish, 2.0’d French), history (modern and Victorian era), and music. I was thinking of being a teacher but the job outlook for that isn’t good so I honestly am at a lost.

Outlook for human resources is pretty good


Michigan State has so many majors, several of them professional majors. Majors are not really what get you jobs easily - you can be an engineering major and still struggle to find work if you didn’t do any internships or develop any skills. You need to focus on developing an idea of what kind of work you want to do, identifying your personal interests and working on the skills you need to snag a job.

For example, why did you want to get a PhD in psychology? What appealed to you about that?

Human resource management can be a good major for people who are interested in psychology and want to parlay it into business, but it is in the business school, so transferring may be difficult.

Michigan State has the unique experience architecture major, which is basically about user experience and interface design in technology. I work in this field and have a psychology background. It’s an excellent, booming field that provides entree into the lucrative tech industry. The major is in the College of Arts & Letters, so if that’s where you are you wouldn’t have to transfer schools within the university. Check it out: https://reg.msu.edu/AcademicPrograms/ProgramDetail.aspx?Program=5743

Which college are you in? What about communication as a major?