<p>Yeah, it's true. I'm 16 and I have quite a few white hairs. They started showing up when I was around 13, I believe. I don't know what causes it - stress is everyone's first assumption, but I honestly don't think I'm that stressed out. I don't think sleep is an issue, either; I usually get at least 7 hours everyday. </p>
<p>I'm not too worried about them, and in fact it's kind of cool. It seems to attract a lot of attention. Plus, I even have a few orangy-coloured strands, and I've even seen a strand of red hair before. (Black is my natural hair colour)</p>
<p>Still, I'm curious if anyone may know what causes my precocious aging? Do any of you have white hair?</p>
<p>oh my god I want all my hair to be white
My mother’s hair started turning white in college so hopefully I got the gene for premature hair color loss oh god white hair is badass as ****</p>
<p>I also have white hair. I’ve seen many other Asian kids in my school have white hair as well; male and female. That red seems pretty strange though…</p>
<p>Mine’s gray, but that’s because my hair dye faded funny. It’s not too uncommon to have white hairs starting in the mid-late teens, my mum got her first grays at 16 and a friend of mine started spotting them here and there at 13 – but the latter is a redhead, so I don’t know how much that counts.</p>
<p>I"m a far eastern asian, and I have some white and blond strands, but they’re so few that you don’t notice them right away unless you look real close. They started to appear some few years ago. So do anybody know what’s happening, like the OP asked?</p>
<p>^ white hair is common for asians i’ve noticed…but i mean i personally think it looks cool …so chill and dont do anything weird to your hair like dye it or something…b/c that just makes it worse.</p>
<p>I’m white and i have some white hair while my normal hair is black. It <strong><em>es me off when people say…
“Yo dude. you know you have white hair?”
and i want to blurt out "NO F</em></strong>ING S**!" but that’s kinda rude so I normally just act like I never knew and they can tell I’m being sarcastic and just walk away</p>
<p>I had two white hairs. Once when I was in eighth grade, and once a week or so ago. I pulled both of them out and three white hairs did not manifest to replace either. I’m Asian, too.</p>
<p>One of my classmates is Caucasian and has dark blond/light brown hair with scattered patches of grey. It’s pretty cool, but inexplicable.</p>
<p>I wonder if the common appearance of white hairs on Asian teenagers is due to being overly studious or simply a hereditary trait. I don’t think I have much stress, so somehow I doubt that it’s related to school or what have you.</p>
<p>There is a guy at my school who has all gray hair (not dyed), he had brown hair originally I think. The girls love it, he gets laid like a rock star.</p>
<p>haha - grey hair is awesome. i heard one time, this guy at my school who had salt and pepper grey (caucasian) was at a school function and some tipsy middle-aged mom started hitting on him shamelessly (I assume she thought he was older). He just encouraged her.</p>
<p>haha that’s funny. i get white hairs too and i have one friend who will always, always notice them. it gets annoying sometimes, i’ll admit. we’ll be sitting in class and she’ll say (rather loudly): “OHMYGOD. you have a white hair! hold on. don’t move! i’ll get it.” then she proceeds to pull it out. ouch!</p>
<p>sometimes she will ask before she pulls it. i have to admire her courtesy.</p>
<p>i recently found two white hairs. I am kinda bummed of about that, but now i just sound like a dick. Two white hairs are not that big of a deal i guess.
I am indian btw.</p>
<p>No white hair to speak of here (caucasian/mediterranen), and I don’t expect to ever get any, because I have my mom’s hair, and hers just started turning duller and grayer slowly (from a light brown/blond base) when she was in her mid 30’s. She dyes it, of course, because while white hair can be cool, grey/brown hair is just gross.</p>
<p>I’ve had 2 small white spots since 8th grade(now I’m a junior).
I don’t know what it is but my older brother also has white spots starting from around the same time. And I did cut them off but more grew back haahaha</p>