I haven't done the "right' ECs?

Would it be detrimental to my application if my ECs suggest something completely different from my intended major? I want to major in neuroscience or psychology but I do things that are primarily music related/volunteer related, no so much science-y stuff.

No. Colleges are looking for what your interests are and if you have a dedication to your EC’s. Despite what you might read here on CC, the opportunities for the typical HS student to find EC’s that tie in with neuroscience or psychology are limited. There are no “right” EC’s.

Like the above commenter said, there are no “right” ECs. What matters is that you care about the ECs you do participate in and you are dedicated. Colleges want to see applicants who have more than one interest, and a wide breadth of ECs can help you show that.

@skieurope @yonceonhismouth So it’s fine that I haven’t had any internships relating to the medical field (I would like to be a psychiatrist or neuropsychologist) or haven’t participated in any research? Could I still be considered “competitive” at selective colleges?

You would still be considered competitive (dependent on your other stats). The one exception is if you were planning to apply to a BS/MD combined program- in those programs, it can hurt not to have any medicine-related experiences.

As a psych major, I’m gonna say you’re definitely fine. The thing about psychology is that it is hard to get relevant opportunities when you’re lacking in even a high school diploma. I’m going to be a college senior next month and I still have trouble finding stuff that I qualify for. But I mean, I still got accepted as a psych major even though I had unrelated ECs, you know? You should be fine.

As I said, very opportunities exist for HS students. You’re fine.

Having ECs only related to your major may make you appear like a one-dimensional drone.

It’s true there aren’t many opps for psych activities. But there are plenty that involve helping people, show you care, and give you broader experiences than just hanging with your age group. I don’t think OP is aiming for top tier, which can expect some relevant experiences.

@lookingforward I am aiming for the top tier, haha

I missed that, only saw a different post.
Well, look deeper into those top schools, what they expect. One thing ECs can show is how you think, what you go after. The competition is fierce.