<p>I just realize dthat I am a prestige whore. I applied to like 2 or 3 Ivies just b/c they were Ivies and I found that my "list" was essentially a reassortment of the top 20 schools according to USNWR (minus HYPSM). I feel like crap finally knowing the truth. I realized that I am no better than a cog on a wheel buying into the capitalist perception of BRAND.</p>
<p>Threadstarter is a bit of a worthless ■■■■■, so I wouldn’t let this thread affect your opinion of Penn. There are definitely less prestige whore types there than at Harvard, etc</p>
<p>Unfortunately, (in my experience) many employers only want potential hires based on the college’s name despite whether or not the hire actually did well at the college (i.e. I always wonder about the doctors who graduated at the bottom of their class. Who gets them?) or have the necessary skills.</p>