<p>i have a confession to make. half the reason i applied to penn was because of its name. frankly while all the college mothers are cursing me for selling my soul to the devil, i feel confused. am i not right in choosing a school for its name and academic/soc oppurtunities as one of the best in the country. ivy league. ok, why not use the name. im not dead set on an occupation(though id love to do govt. intel), so wouldnt it make sense to go to a school where the name will help in almost any career i go into? am i wrong for choosing upenn partially for its name?</p>
<p>yeah, ultimately , myself or anyone else could have a blast at a LAC, take all the classes i want, doing to dope smoking, do some protests, you know the whole deal. but penn is a good place to get a jump start on your career. (does it make me a loser to reply to my own thread???hmmm)</p>
<p>Dude, you applied, got in, and it's too late to be asking these kind of dumb a** questions. You frankly annoy me. Did you not already post this once? And everyone gave you heartfelt answers as to how Penn is a great school, along w. the name, blah blah blah. If you are that self-conscious to the point where you are re-examining your own ED decision because of what other ppl say, then...hell...you are a loser.</p>
<p>ouch indeed. i did post this once, but it didnt come up on my comp, so i posted it again. sue me. yeah you are correct, i dont know,.....................maybe i have a conscience, and heart.</p>
<p>I think you should have evaluated these things before you applied, or should have applied RD to be honest. However, I think many people feel this way around this time. Once we all actually start school in september, I bet you won't regret it.</p>
<p>I am sure a lot of the ppl here (maybe not you...) could've gotten into Pton or Harvard if they wanted to. Personally, Pton loves kids from my school, and Harvard loves kids from my school, since they've seriously accepted almost everyone that has EVER applied there from my school...and I, at the risk of sound like an absolute pompous a**, am pretty sure I could've gotten into either one if I really wanted to...but, neither one of them has Wharton, and neither one of them has Huntsman...and, neither one of them will ever be Penn...if you seriously are somebody who factors in the "name" that much on your app, maybe you would've been better off applying to HYP...but that's too late now, ain't it?</p>
<p>lol...i, at the risk of sounding like an absolue humble person, will say that i know i very likely would have been rejected at all three. im not exactly sure what i want to do with my life, but i know it doesnt involve hard core investing or whatever. here let me phrase it differetnly, the thing is, im not some greedy capitalistic pig that whats to make a million dollars a year and work 100 weeks a year. ok. seeing as there is no definite program that i want to enroll in, i choose the most prest. school i could get into, knowing the name would help me in any career path i would eventually choose. i know alot of people on this forum are thinking inside the exact same thing. and so your saying that you didnt go to wharton atleast partially for the name?</p>
<p>Well...the fact is, why is Wharton famous in the first place? It's because it offers a very hardcore and solid business education that gives anybody who wants to study business a very good prep to go into a career in business...w. the education comes the name, not the other way around. So, if you are asking me if I am going to Wharton/Huntsman because of the name..yes...because most of the prestige that goes w. the name is due to the solid education and experience you get there...it's not the name that makes the school, it's the school that makes the name.</p>
<p>good. cool. fine. and i applied to penn also because of its name...a name which comes from a history of outstanding academics, and ultimately a very good reputation for getting its college grads hired or into grad school. its not like i didn't do research. its that when it came down to the final choice schools, i saw penn as able offer more than the other schools through its name. practicality. i simply didnt have as focused reason as you did.</p>
<p>And another thing...not everybody who goes to Wharton are what you called "greedy capitalistic pig"...I know a wharton graduate who is currently working for a Washington Think Tank of Education...he turned down a job offer from a company on Wall Street to work in the civil service sector, and he says that there are plenty of Wharton kids like him. Making money IS nice...come on, you can't honestly say that you "can be happy being POOR"...</p>
<p>EDIT: Look MengCheng...nobody here is accusing you of being a superficially shallow imbecile who applied to Penn (and got in, congrats...btw) for the name. So, stop it, and just enjoy the fact that you've been accepted.</p>
<p>havent been on much lately, weird to come back and see all thats been happening.. just came to wish u guys happy holidays... </p>
<p>anyways, as a bystander to this issue, mengcheng, im trying to figure out the point of your thread, cause its not even like youre trying to elicit info to decide whether or not to apply. ok ppl apply to penn for its name. we get it. the name factor is larger or smaller depending on the person and the circumstances. dont imply ppl that apply to penn cant get into schools like harvard, pton, yale. in many, many cases, this isnt true. fine, you think you cant, dont generalize. and seeing as how many of the ppl here are interested in wharton, dont antagonize the forum by putting down the business field with your stereotypes. </p>
<p>so congrats on admittance, just chill and enjoy it.</p>
<p>as another bystander to this whole thing (and less frequent visitor c/o my deferral), I think both of you have a fair point.</p>
<p>On one hand, kids do apply to schools because of name recognition. As you've already mentioned, that comes with good educations. One of the reasons that I applied to Penn ED was that I wanted to steer clear of the very smart kids who are overly obsessed with name (they applied to HYPS, for the most part).</p>
<p>Also, it's fairly obvious that not every single Whartonite is cold harded. I mean, maybe like 99.99999999 or something like that but they've gotta have 1 token nice kid, right? Whatever, wharton/wall street is like, so 1990s.</p>