I just took a practice SAT after tutoring and DID WORSE

I haven’t done very much tutoring, only 8 hours (two hours twice once a week for 4 weeks) and I took a PSAT to see if I’m improving. I spent 4 hours taking it and when I graded it I did WORSE. I’m very upset. Note, I was tired while taking it and was trying to practice some of the new strategies my tutor has been teaching me so I was unable to finish some of the sections. Does actual improvement simply come with LOTS AND LOTS of practice and time? Am I just dumb? I don’t know what to do now, this is so demoralizing. Help.

If you didn’t even finish the sections, then obviously your score will go down. I was told that one might expect a downturn in score about that far into tutoring. You need more practice of the new strategies to the point where you’re finishing in time and you need to take practice tests when you aren’t very tired. The tutor explained it as teaching you to bat with the other hand - it would take some getting used to. Keep practicing and keep your chin up! It sounds like it’s much too early to judge the results of the new strategies you have learned.

The best preparation my son did was just taking practice sections over and over.